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Q: Is also a set of methods used to draw conclusions or inferences about characteristics of populations based on data from a sample.?
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How can you use statistical measures to compare populations?

There are different methods for comparing the mean, variance or standard error, distribution or other characteristics of populations. Without more specific information it is not possible to answer the question.

What is the series of steps followed to solve problems including collecting data formulating a hypothesis testing the hypothesis and stating conclusions?

Scientific Methods is the correct answer.

3 important principles in making generalizations about populations on the basis of samples?

1. To describe the important characteristics of the scientific approach and show how it promotes critical thinking. 2. To demonstrate the limits of everyday intuition and common sense. 3. To show how psychologists use three basic research methods: description, correlation, and experimentation. 4. To explain how psychologists use statistics in their research. are the most important principles in making generalizations about populations on the basis of samples.

When should relative measures of dispersion be used?

They may be used-with considerable caution-when the measurements in the various populations being compared were made in different units. Dividing the dispersion estimates by the location estimates eliminates eliminates the differences attributable to differences in measuring units. However, caution is advised because the measurement methods may have differed in the various populations, giving rise to differences in the dispersion estimates having nothing to do with dispersion in the populations. In other words, there could well be differing levels of measurement error across populations.

Is probability the basis of inferential statistics?

Yes. In applying inferential statistical methods the assumption is made that at least some of the variation observed in the data is due to randomness and that the laws of probability can be applied to take this into account in drawing conclusions from the data.

Related questions

How are observations and inferences similar and different?

Observations are what you see (i.e. i saw a bird flying today), and inferences are reasonable conclusions based upon what you know (i.e. the bird was flying to get food for its young). Both of these are methods of finding information.

What Inductive an deductive meaning?

Inductive reasoning involves drawing general conclusions from specific observations or instances. Deductive reasoning involves deriving specific conclusions from general principles or premises. Both are methods of logical reasoning used to make inferences or predictions.

How can you use statistical measures to compare populations?

There are different methods for comparing the mean, variance or standard error, distribution or other characteristics of populations. Without more specific information it is not possible to answer the question.

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What is the difference between parametric and nonparametric statistical tests in Health care?

Parametric tests draw conclusions based on the data that are drawn from populations that have certain distributions. Non-parametric tests draw fewer conclusions about the data set. The majority of elementary statistical methods are parametric because they generally have larger statistical outcomes. However, if the necessary conclusions cannot be drawn about a data set, non-parametric tests are then used.

How do you use the word fallible in a sentence?

The researcher fallible methods led to conclusions

What are the methods?

The scientific method involves coming up with a hypothesis. It also involves conducting research and deducing inferences from the findings.

What research methods allows the experimenter to draw conclusions about cause and effect?

Experiments -@TheLilDallas

Steps in statistical investigation?

Formulate a clear research question or hypothesis. Design a study and collect data. Analyze the data using appropriate statistical methods. Draw conclusions and make inferences based on the results. Communicate findings through written reports or presentations.

What are scientific methods used for?

scientific methods are used for identifying the problem, forming and testing a hypothesis, analyzing the test results, and drawing conclusions.

What are scientific methods?

The scientific method involves coming up with a hypothesis. It also involves conducting research and deducing inferences from the findings.

What methods are used in estimating animal populations apart from quadrats?
