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Algorithms are language independent. An algorithm is a procedure or formula for solving a problem: a finite series of computation steps to produce a result. Algorithms make no assumptions about programming languages or technologies; they are generally written in plain English. Pseudocode is typically used to demonstrate the implementation of an algorithm using a combination of plain English and program-like constructs such as loops and variables. Programmers can easily convert the pseudocode to a specific programming language.

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Q: Is an algorithm language dependent
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What is algorithm write properties of algorithm?

An ALGORITHM is a sequence of steps that depicts the program logic independent of the language in which it is to be implemented. An algorithm should be designed with space and time complexities in mind.

How do you write an Algorithm for a C plus plus Program?

You don't write an algorithm for a C++ program, unless you are documenting the C++ program after-the-fact. The normal procedure is to write the algorithm first, in a language independent fashion, and then translate that stated algorithm into C++ code, or into whatever language you wish.

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C is a independent language

Translating an algorithm into a programming language is called?

Translating an algorithm into a programming language is called coding. A variable declaration tells the operating system to allocate storage space in RAM.

What is the difference between an algorithm and java code?

In Java programming language, an algorithm refers to a sequence of instructions that have been specified to undertake a particular task within a certain time. An algorithm can take no or several inputs but will generate at least one output.

Translating an algorithm into a programming language is called what?

CODING Implementation

What the difference between algorithm and pseudocode?

An algorithm is a description of a method for accomplishing some task. For example, an algorithm for driving to a friend's house could be:1. Find your keys2. Get into the car3. Start the engine4. Put transmission into gearetc...Psuedocode is an implementation of an algorithm in a code-like format. For example, the above algorithm in psuedocode could look something like:while(keys.location != "in your hand"){search_for_keys();}walk_to_car();if(car.door == locked)car.door.unlock();engine.start();...An algorithm describes the steps required to solve a problem. Algorithms are written using natural language (e.g., English).Pseudocode is a human-readable version of an algorithm written using an informal language that is very similar to a programming language but which can be more easily translated into any specific programming language.

Algorithm what language it is?

Algorithms use the language of mathematics, logic and computers. They are independent of any particular natural language like English or Chinese.

What is algorithams?

Algarithm: Algorithm is process to solve the problem in a step by step order Algorithm is used to write the program in a computer language.

What are the advantages of pseudocode?

Pseudo-code allows for an intermediate step between a human language description of an algorithm and a programming language description of the algorithm. It is often a good way for non-programmers to understand the programming process.

What are disadvantage of algorithm?

Advantages of an Algorithm: Effective Communication: Since the algorithm is written in English like language, it is simple to understand the step-by-step solutions of the problems. Easy Debugging: Well-designed algorithm makes debugging easy so that we can identify a logical error in the program. Easy and Efficient Coding: An algorithm acts as a blueprint of a program and helps during program development. Independent of Programming Language: An algorithm is independent of programming languages and can be easily coded using any high-level language. Disadvantages of an Algorithm: Developing algorithms for complex problems would be time-consuming and difficult to understand. Understanding complex logic through algorithms can be very difficult.