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Yes, provided they are defined (ie excluding division by 0).

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Q: Is an arithmetic operation or combination of arithmetic operations that results to a number?
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What are registers that are designed to store the results of logic operations?

The register that stores the result of (an arithmetic) or logical result is the accumulator.

What is the main function of the ALU?

The function of the Arithmetic Logic Unit is to perform the arithmetic operations and boolean logic operations needed during instruction execution.Some Arithmetic Logic Units also provide temporary storage for operands and/or results of these operations in registers or accumulators, others do not provide any temporary storage (depending on the computer's architecture and/or implementation).

Show the bit positions of various flags in 8085 flag register?

The 8085 microprocessor has 5 flags: 1. Zero flag: The zero flag is set, when the ALU operation results a zero . 2. Carry flag: If an arithmetic operations results in a carry, this flag is set. 3. Parity flag: This flag is set, when an arithmetic or logical operation results in a data, which has even number of 1s. If otherwise, it is reset. 4. Sign flag: After the execution of an arithmetic or logic operations, if D7 bit of the accumulator is 1, it indicates a negative number and this flag is set. If otherwise, it is reset. 5. Auxiliary Carry flag: used for BCD Operations, During the BCD operations, if D3 bit producing the carry then the AC bit set as1, otherwise the bit is 0. 6. Carry Flag: when a carry is generated by digit D7, then the carry flag set as 1, otherwise the bit will be 0.

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Differentiate between CU and ALU?

The ALU (Arithmetic-Logic Unit) is generally a subsection of the CPU (Central Processing Unit). While the CPU is the master driver of a computer, the ALU is a processing area optimized to handle mathematical computations and logic comparisons. The processor controller passes operation codes and operands to the ALU, which performs the requested operation on the supplied data and passes back the results.

What is the function of the Logic unit?

The arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) performs allarithmetic operations (addition, subtraction,multiplication, and division) and logic operations.Logic operations test various conditions encounteredduring processing and allow for different actions to betaken based on the results. The data required to performthe arithmetic and logical functions are inputs from thedesignated CPU registers and operands

What is made up of quantities and the operations performed on them?

It is simply a set of values with the operations defined on the set. If the results of the operation satisfy certain requirements, then the set may be a Group, a Ring or a Field (or other algebraic structure).

What is an accumulator in microprocessor?

the accumulator is an 8-bit register then is part of the arithmetic/logic unit(ALU). this register is used to store to store 8-bit data and to perform arithmetic & logical operation. the result of an operation is stored in the accumulator. the accumulator is also identified as register A.

What statement summarizes the results of the company's operations?

The income statement summarizes the results of the company's operations.

What is function of status register?

The status register in a computer system is used to store information about the condition or state of certain aspects of the processor, such as arithmetic operations, overflow, and carry flags. It helps in determining the outcome of operations and controlling the flow of program execution based on the results of these operations.

What is the difference between pipe-lining and materialization?

in adbms,,these are the two approaches to query processing.. in materialization approach,we start from the lowest level operations in the expressions.the inputs to the lowest level operations are the relations in the database.we execute the lowest level operations on the input relations and store the result in temporary relations. in pipelining approach,several relational operations are combined into a pipeline of operations,in which the results of one operation are passed along to the next operation in the pipeline. pipelining is advantageous since it eliminates the cost of reading and writing temporary relations

What is a computer that can perform billions of calculations per second?

I would have to say yes, since many PCs on the market are rated at more than 1 gigahertz (giga is 10^9 which is a thousand million).However, assuming "calculations" refers to arithmetic operations, it must be noted that many of these operations take many more than one machine cycle to complete. On the basis presented in the first part of the answer, the correct answer to the question is that a modern PC might be able to carry out thousands of millions of calculations per second, particularly if these operations are of a primitive nature (add, subtract, etc).In real terms, the answer is probably No, because most calculations require a mix of operations, including more complex operations than addition or subtraction. In addition to the pure arithmetic operation, operands also need to be obtained (from memory) and results may need to be stored, etc.In conclusion, most average PCs today will struggle to reach one thousand million useful arithmetic calculations per second, but will generally reach one thousand million operation per second.