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Q: Is an integer and its opposite called an additive inverse of each other?
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What is an integer and its opposite called?

Additive Inverse

Opposite. The additive inverse of a number is the opposite sign of that number are called?

They are called the additive inverses!

The opposite of a number is also called?

The opposite of a number is also called an additive inverse. An additive inverse of a number a is the number that, when added to a, yields zero.

What is a number and its opposite called?

For each positive number, there is a negative number that is its opposite. We write the opposite of a positive number with a negative or minus sign in front.The opposite of a number is also called its additive inverse.For example, 5 is the additive inverse of -5 and -5 is the additive inverse of 5.

What is the additive inverse of 78?

Two numbers that are the same distance from zero on the number line but are on opposite sides of zero are opposite numbers, or opposites. The opposite of a number is called its additive inverse. The opposite of 78 is -78.

What is the opposite of nine?

The number (-9) is the additive inverse of 9.Inverse operations can also be used to find the additive inverse of a specific number. For example, -9 is the additive inverse of 9 since the sum of -9 and 9 is 0. Additive inverses come in pairs; 9 is the additive inverse of -9, just as -9 is the additive inverse of 9. Any two numbers are additive inverses if they add up to 0.Visualize a pair of additive inverses on the number line. The number 9 and its additive inverse -9 are both nine units away from 0 but on opposite sides of 0. For this reason, -9 is called the opposite of 9, and 9 is the opposite of -9. The opposite of a number may be positive or negative.

What are opposites in algebra?

usually this means positive numbers and their negative counterparts. The opposite of a number is its additive inverse. The sum of a number and its opposite is zero. (This is sometimes called the property of opposites, or additive inverse property). Example: -999 + 999 = 0; therefore -999 and 999 are additive inverse (1/3) + (-1/3) = 0; therefore 1/3 and -1/3 are additive inverse 1 + (-1) = 0; therefore 1 and -1 are additive inverse a + (-a) = 0; therefore a and -a are additive inverse, So, the opposite of -999 is 999; the opposite of 1/3 is -1/3; the opposite of 1 is -1, and the opposite of a is -a.

What do you call two opposite numbers whose sum is zero?

These are often called "opposite numbers". The more precise term is "additive inverse". For example, the additive inverse of 5 is minus 5.

What do you call integers that add to zero?

Two numbers, which when added together result in zero, are called each other's additive inverse. That is, for two given numbers x and y, if x + y = 0, then y is the additive inverse of x and x is the additive inverse of y.

The additive inverse of a number is also called what?


What is the opposite of one-half?

That depends what you mean with "opposite". Two important math concepts are:a) The additive inverse. That's the same number, with a minus in front of it (a number plus its additive inverse = 0).b) The multiplicative inverse, also called the reciprocal. One divide by the number. For a fraction, you can simply exchange numerator and denominator to get the reciprocal. (A number times its reciprocal = 1.)

What is the aditive inverse property?

For every number, a,there exists a number called the additive inverse, -a, such that a + -a = 0.