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An irrational number cannot be rational, so choosing at random is an irrelevance.

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Q: Is an irrational number chosen at random is never a rational number?
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Is -0.7repeating rational?

Yes. Its rational because you know what number is going to come next. If the numbers were in a random order it would be irrational.

Is 3.24 rational or irrational?

3.24 is rational because rational numbers are any number... the only numbers not rational are ones that go forever in a random pattern (ex. 3.14159265...). 3.363636363636... is rational because it goes on in a pattern. Hope that helped :)

What does pi is an irrational number mean?

The number goes on forever and the decimal value is random.

What other irrational numbers are there besides pi?

e, the base of the natural logarithm, is an important irrational constant. Any positive integer that isn't a perfect square will have an irrational square root. Any non-repeating decimal that goes on forever is irrational. 1.101001000100001...(add an extra zero between each pair of ones). If you study number theory and the transfinites, irrational numbers are actually far more common than rationals because they are defined by a higher infinity. If you were to pick a number completely at random, it would be irrational because the probability of it being rational is zero.

What are some random facts about the number 51?

It is an integer because it is a whole number It is a rational number that can be expressed as a fraction It is an odd number Its prime factors are 3 and 17 It is 51/1 as an improper fraction It is 51.0 as a decimal Its square root is an irrational number that can't be expressed as a fraction It is LI expressed in Roman numerals

What is the meaning of irrational?

A real number that does not have a set repeating pattern and goes on forever. Pi is a great example of an irrational number, as all the numbers are random, and the value is infinite.

What is a random number table?

Random numbers (or random deviates) are numbers chosen totally by chance, but also conform to a certain distribution. The most common distribution is the uniform distribution. If I say that a number is chosen totally by chance between 1 and 100, and there is equal chance that every number between 1 and 100 can be chosen, then this is a uniformly distributed random number. If I list these generated numbers in a table, then this is a random number table. A program like Excel can easily generate uniform random numbers from 0 to 1, by entering +rand() into a column in the spreadsheet. To calculate a new table, press F9.

What numbers are always rational?

Any given number is either rational or it is not.A rational number can be expressed as a fraction (where the denominator (the number at the bottom of the fraction) is not 0). This really is all there is to it.So the answer to your question is any number that can be expressed as a fraction where the denominator is not 0.Examples:The number 1 is rational (as are all integers) as it can be written as 1/1.The number 1.656 is rational as it can be written as 1656/1000.The number 0.3 recurring (i.e. there are an infinite number of 3's after the decimal point) is rational because it can be written as 1/3. Although the digits continue infinitely there is a recurring pattern and so it is rational.The only numbers that are irrational are those that are made up of an infinite series of digits AND do not have a recurring pattern.Examples:Pi (the number that represents the ratio between the circumference of a circle and its diameter) is irrational. It can be approximated to 22/7 but this is only an approximation. The real value has an infinite number of digits (which do not repeat in any pattern - they are seemingly completely random) after the decimal point. It can't be translated in to a fraction for this very reason.The square root of 2 is also irrational. It is 1.4... where ... indicates that an infinite number of digits follow. There is no recurring pattern to the series of digits.

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3 out of 4

Why repeating decimals happen?

A repeating decimal is any rational number whose decimal representation does not terminate after a given number of digits. As only a very small quantity of the rational numbers terminate in their decimal representation, practically any rational number picked at random will be a repeating decimal.