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Probable cause to search WHAT?

A vehicle? Yes, but only the passenger compartment or any area where the passengers of the vehicle might have access.

To search a building or a residence - no. Only that area which is in plain sight

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Q: Is an open container probable cause to search?
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Can an officer search your car any time?

A police officer in the United States can only physically search your car with a warrant or probable cause, such as seeing a weapon, open container or drug paraphernalia through a window.

Is an empty cup with alcohol while driving considered an open container?

Yes. It's a container, it's open, and it contains traces of alcohol. It is a violation of open container laws, and also probable cause for a sobriety test.

Do you have to open the door to police officers?

NO NO, but if they do have probable cause, they'll kick the door in. Probable cause does not always involve a piece of a warrant. If you lock the door, after they speak to you, you can be charged with obstructing and delaying, if they had probable cause.

If a person goes in a shipping store with a box how can the police find probable cause to search your box?

Without knowing the specifics of the situation, it's difficult to say. Speculating, if the person in possession of the box had been under surveillance and was believed to have contraband in the box, or if a pattern of behavior had been established where the person in possession had previously shipped contraband in this manner, there might be sufficient probable cause to open and search the box.

Can you get an open container ticket on a horse?

Yes, you can. Receiving an Open Container ticket is for having an open container.

Can you buy a gun if convicted of a misdemeanor open container in ID?

Yes. Open container isn't going to cause you to lose your firearms rights, unless it's multiple violations in a state where multiple violations are a felony.

Does gasoline go stale when left in an open container?

Yes, gasoline can go stale when left in an open container because it can evaporate, which changes its chemical composition and can cause it to become less effective as a fuel. It is important to store gasoline in a sealed container to prevent this from happening.

Definition of open top container ship?

An open top container ship means a hatchless container ship.

Can there be an open container law in the city that you live in?

There are open container laws in many cities

Why you can't store in open container?

Because from an open container a gas diffuse in the atmosphere.

How much is open container ticket in Texas?

Each city in Texas has their own fees for an open container ticket. In Houston, TX, the fine for an open container is $270.00 dollars.

Who is responsible for open container If the passager has the open container?

i believe both driver and passenger will not sure tho