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No. Some people think apple in 2015

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Q: Is any company worth 1 trillion dollars?
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How much is 50 one trillion dollar notes?

If there were any one trillion dollar notes, then 50 of them would be worth 50 trillion dollars.

Does any one man have a trillion dollars?

No single man has a trillion dollars.

What was the national debt when Obama took office?

Probably less than the debt he inherited when he took office in January 2009. The president says he came into office with a $1.3 trillion deficit and $8 trillion worth of debt over the next decade.

Is there any money amount bigger then a trillion?

Yes, 1,000,000,000,001; 1,000,000,000,002; etc... But no, there is no more that $999,999,999,999,999 worth of any currency in circulation.

Could you tell me how many billions make a trillion and do we have any trillionaires?

one thousand billions makes one trillion. And no, there are no trillionaires. The worlds richest man has 3 - 4 billion dollars.

Are there any trillionaires on earth?

Yes, there is a such thing as a trillionaire, and is actually an achievable status. A trillionaire is just someone who has a trillion dollars.

Where else can scientific notation be used?

any where you want to use it. national debt about 13 trillion dollars or 1.3 x 1013

How many dollars is 1 nickel worth?

1 Nickel is not worth any dollars, as a nickel is 5 cents, which is 1/20 of a dollar.

How much is a 1721 coin with a king on the front and a ship on the back worth?

It is worth anywhere from 25,000 dollars to 250,000 dollars at any retail store

How much are silver dollars from 60s worth?

The US didn't make any silver dollars in the 1960s.

Is there any Pokemon cards worth 100 dollars?

black pikachu.

Are any other peace dollars worth anything like the 1935 1922 1924 1926?

All Peace dollars have worth. Some have more than others.