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Crystal report 7 use : Reminder(num,denom)

Ex: Remider(25,2) is equal to 25 Mod 2

By : Ranga Predeep (

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Q: Is any function in crystal report 7 is equivalent to mod function?
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What is exponential function?

"The" exponential function is ex. A more general exponential function is any function of the form AeBx, for any non-xero constants "A" and "B". Alternately, Any function of the form CDx (for constants "C" and "D") would also be considered an exponential function. You can change from one form to the other.

What are the coordinates of the y intercept?

They are at (0, y) on the Cartesian plane where y is the vertical y axis. For any function you would have to solve the function for the value of y when x is zero - and then the coordinates would be (0,y) For the x (horizontal) axis, which is equivalent to the function y = 0, they would be (0,0), i.e. when x is zero, y is zero.

How many representation are there of a function?

You can represent any given function in as many different ways as you want.

What are two equivalent for the fraction 1 third?

Multiply the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) of the fraction by any non-zero number. You will have an equivalent fraction.So pick any two numbers, do the above and you will have two equivalent fractions.Multiply the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) of the fraction by any non-zero number. You will have an equivalent fraction.So pick any two numbers, do the above and you will have two equivalent fractions.Multiply the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) of the fraction by any non-zero number. You will have an equivalent fraction.So pick any two numbers, do the above and you will have two equivalent fractions.Multiply the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) of the fraction by any non-zero number. You will have an equivalent fraction.So pick any two numbers, do the above and you will have two equivalent fractions.

How do you get a slope and a linear function?

plotting a slope means plotting a graph of y against get the linear function ,the only thing to do is to know whether the value of y and the equivalent value of x at the point if its a well plotted slope normally any choosen point will be the same .assuming it is not a curve.if not replot.

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How to get Crystal Report control in VB6?

What version of Crystal reports?Assumptions:If you have Crystal Reports installed on the development machine, then you will already have all the dll's required for your VB6 project.You're using Crystal Reports v8 or v8.5.You will name the crystal report object 'rpt'.Configuring the project:In your VB6 project, Select 'Project'->'Components' and check the checkbox for 'Crystal Report Control' and click 'OK'Open the 'Form' view for the form you are coding and drag the 'Crystal' control onto the form.Coding the project:You can now reference the 'Crystal' object from within your code. Take note of the name of the report object, or change it to something useful.Set the WindowTitle, Connect, ReportFileName and SQLQuery properties to values relevant to your setup.Optionally, you can set the following values: (DiscardSavedData [I recommend setting this to True as it speeds things up in most cases; in fact, I recommend saving your crystal files without any saved data in the first place.], ProgressDialog, and if you have Formulas in the report that you wish to pass in, you can do so using the Formulas(x) property.Once all properties are set, launch the report using the following code:"rpt.Action = 1"Sample code:rpt.WindowTitle = Me.Captionrpt.Connect = "[Insert ADO Connection String here]"rpt.ReportFileName = sReportsDirectory + "\SomeReport.rpt"rpt.DiscardSavedData = Truerpt.ProgressDialog = Truerpt.SQLQuery = "select field1, field2, field3 from tbl1 where field4 = 'Y'"rpt.Action = 1

What different types of crystal flowers are available to purchase?

Crystal flowers are purchased from many retailers that have crystal products. They are great editions to any crystal collection that has flowers. Crystal products are tasty treats for any dog!

How much sugar is in Crystal Light Drink Mix?

Go to the store and check. Any Sugar is not good for you. I would say any thing over 4g is bad.

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Crystal structure is for solids and for gases. Helium is a gas and doesn't form any crystal.

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A procedure is simply a function in C++, therefore you define procedures just as you would any function. In some languages, a procedure is not a function as such, insofar as there is no return type. The C++ equivalent would therefore be a function that returns void.

Where can you get a sulfur crystal on HorseIsle 2? can get a sulfur crystal in any general store or any rock shop

Are birthstones a type of crystal?

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Is crystal k. Selena Gomez cousin?

No, she doesn't have any cousins named crystal

What is strass crystal?

Strass crystal is a type of high-quality crystal produced by the Swarovski company. It is known for its exceptional clarity, brilliance, and color vibrancy due to a special lead content and precision cutting techniques. Strass crystals are often used in luxury chandeliers, jewelry, and accessories.

Can you report a cheat on an A-level exam even though there is no evidence any more?

Can Report It, But...You can report it, but without any evidence it might not be pursued.