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Q: Is any second category space a Baire space?
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Is there a way that you can see when any questions have been answered in a category you are interested in?

You can see the Recent Category Activity Link present in the bluebar when you visit any category.

Are there any two supervisors of any one category?

There are many times when there are two or more supervisors on any one category. For example, there are several supervisors in the nursing category including a charge nurse and an administrative nurse.

What is the name of the second satellite?

The name of the second satellite can vary depending on the context. It could be any specific satellite's name, such as "Hubble Space Telescope," "GPS satellite," or "ISS (International Space Station) satellite."

What is a bicartesian closed category?

A bicartesian closed category is a cartesian closed category which also has an initial object and such that for any pair of objects, A and B, in the category, the category has another object which is their coproduct.

Do you have any questions for you on the Olympics?

We have a category for the Olympics. That category has many sub-categories. Take a look around the category and pick questions you can answer.

What will a category 11 hurricane do?

There is no such thing as a category 11 hurricane. Any hurricane with winds exceeding 156 mph is classified as category 5.

Where do you find the History category on WikiAnswers?

You can search for any category by clicking on the Browse Questions link at the top right of this (and every) page. From there, you can navigate throughout our category tree by clicking on the arrows by each category name, clicking on the arrows will expand subcategories should any exist under that category. You can search for a category, and you can view a category's questions by clicking on the category name. The link for History is provided below this answer box in the Related Links section.

Did Somalia win the Olympics in any category?


Why isn't there any International Relationships category in the site?

If a category isn't listed, you can always ask for it to be created.

Any Tamil actor nominated for Oscar in any category?

No. Never.

What is the second character of cardserver?

The letter "A." A "character" in a word or a sentence is a letter, a space, a hyphen, period, comma, apostrophe, any kind of punctuation, etc. It's essentially anything that would take up a space when you're typing.

What do any last letters after the second period mean in a URL?

Note: When you do put a period after a URL, don't leave any space between the last character of the URL and the period.