Yes. It is called a T.A.R.D.I.S. (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space.) It is a blue telephone box on the outside.
Answer: Anything bigger than 0.66recurring Answer: Add any positive number to 2/3, and you get a number that is bigger than 2/3.
A second, a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year....anything is bigger.
150 of almost anything is bigger than 100 of the same. So 150 ml is bigger.
Three of anything is generally bigger than two of the same thing.
Bigger inside than appears outside
The balloon got bigger when taken outside because the air inside the balloon expanded due to the warmer temperature outside. It was hotter outside than in Jonas's room.
A shadow is bigger than you but doesn't weigh anything.
In the Doctor Who series, the TARDIS operates by utilizing advanced alien technology that creates a dimensional transcendental field, which allows it to be bigger on the inside than the outside. This technology enables the TARDIS to manipulate time and space, expanding its interior dimensions while maintaining a smaller exterior appearance.
bacteria is bigger than germs or anything
The Big Bang was bigger than anything.
anything bigger than it
4,250 of anything is bigger than 3.22 of the same thing. Grams are no exception.4250 is bigger than 3.22 so 4250 grams is bigger than 3.22 grams!
Well, Anything bigger than 180 but smaller than 360 .
football anything that is bigger than a softball obiusly...