

Is area larger than region

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: Is area larger than region
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Yes. An Eco region (ecological region) is an ecologically and geographically defined area that is smaller than a bioregion, which in turn is smaller than an Eco zone . All three of these are larger than an ecosystem. (from Wikipedia)

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A smaller area within a larger region?

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Is a region bigger than a city?

Yes, a region is typically larger than a city. A region can encompass multiple cities, towns, and rural areas, while a city is a large urban area with a high population density.

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Collector has larger area than base and emitter because base collector is reverse biased, hence the current flow here due to the minority carriers and the large power dissipation takes place by the majority carriers, this power dissipated in the form of heat.. To cool the device from heat we made the larger area........

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Canada is larger in area than the US by about 150,000 km2.

Difference between region and place?

They are both land separated by something. A region is separated by land charicteristics and a place is separated by boarders. Also they can both be manmade and naturel. The GTA is a manmade region and a town is a manmade placeA region is an area whereas a place might be a a location in that region. Of course it is possible for a place to either smaller or larger than a region. London is larger in area than the region called The Peak District, but Buxton (a town in The Peak District0 is smaller than The Peak District.

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The West region is bigger than the Northeast.

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In the context of an address, region typically refers to a geographical area that is larger than a city or town, such as a state, province, or county. It helps to further pinpoint where a specific location is situated within a broader area.

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