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Q: Is augmented the lines between which leads form Einthoven's triangle?
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How do you record augmented leads?

after the bipolar leads

What augmented leads monitor?

one limb electrode and a point midway between two other limb electrodes.

What are the bipolar leads?

The leads in Einthoven's Triangle, which are Leads I (left and right arm), II (right arm and left foot)), and III (left arm and foot).

An iron triangle is made up of an alliance between?

An iron triangle is typically formed between government regulators, industry representatives, and congressional committees. This alliance often leads to influence over government policies and decisions in favor of the involved parties.

What type of triangle is it when the sides are larger than the base?

Its called an Obtuse triangle. Mainly because this leads to one of the angles being more than 90 degrees.

Do scientist have leads to explain the Bermuda triangle?

Scientists have little interest in explaining the Bermuda Triangle. The triangle as a place is a theory of little interest to scientists. Those with the greatest interest in the Bermuda triangle are writers, publishers, and the entertainment industry and those that spend their time and money on their products.

Which leads of the electrocardoigram are the bipolar leads?

The bipolar leads of an electrocardiogram are Leads I, II, and III. These leads measure electrical activity between two electrodes placed on the body. Lead I records the difference in electrical potential between the right and left arm, Lead II between the right arm and left leg, and Lead III between the left arm and left leg.

Who leads the series between Florida and Florida state?

Florida leads 33-19-2

Who leads the parade between the nations capital and the white house?

Whoever holds the banner leads.

What are the differences between commercial insurance leads and business insurance leads?

Commercial insurance leads and business insurance leads are the same thing. Commercial usually refers to business transactions. You can purchase these leads from a company called Axiomi.

What does the medical abbreviation AVR mean?

AVR may stand for aortic valve replacement or accelerated ventricular rhythm in medical terms, but it is most commonly seen in the context of ECGs, where it represents Augmented Voltage Right Arm, and labels one of the leads.

Who leads the series between Notre Dame and usc in football?

Notre Dame leads 43-34-5.