Well am a 15 year old boy and the 13th of october was yesterday and alot of really bad stuff happend to me yesterday8-)(I)?
It's your desicion, if you believe Friday The 13th brings bad luck, i wouldn't
Some people believe Friday the 13th is bad luck. Same way with black cats with green eyes and umbrellas when there opened inside a building. Hopefully this helps :)
One, in August 2010. Don't worry about. 7 and 11 are supposed to bring good luck. How much good luck occured on December 7, 1941 or September 11, 2001? Don't worry about Friday the 13. I doubt if anything bad will happen on that day. Just as June 6, 2006 was not a really bad day, nor was July 7, 2007 a really good day; Friday the 13 is overrated.
Strange how Friday's seem to get extra attention. Black Friday refers to the shopping holiday, thanks in part to retailers, going "black" in accounting terms (meaning they now make profit for the holiday season on the much celebrated shopping day). Friday the 13th was made popular by the horror movie series, but was named that due to the #13 being considered bad luck.
In China, it means bad luck.
Bad luck.
NO! Friday the 13th is not good. It's a day of bad luck.
don't let a black cat cross your path it's bad luck. don't step under a ladder it's bad luck. don't break a mirror, it's seven years bad luck friday the 13th is bad luck living on the 13th floor is bad luck four leaf clovers are good luck
many people think that Friday the 13th is either a good luck day or a day were people tend to have bad luck. It depends who you are but nothing particular happens on Friday the 13th.
It is a superstition that bad things will happen on Friday the 13th. The superstition is baseless in both logic and science.
It's your desicion, if you believe Friday The 13th brings bad luck, i wouldn't
The ides of March are supposed to be bad luck because that was the day Julius Caesar was murdered.
Some think it is bad luck and others believe it's good luck
Due to the superstitious belief that the number 13 is unlucky.
Well supposedly if you break a mirror its 7 years of bad luck. I broke a mirror on Friday the 13th one day too but so far no bad luck except that i got cut by the glass!
No, it is not bad at all to have a birthday that falls on March 13th. William H. Macy is a famous actor with the same birthday.
Well..., first you have to be born on the 13th of some month. But your birth-day has to be 13 years before a Friday the 13th in the same month. So the probability is low. It also depends on the month you were born. A very lucky,..AND TRUE..., example is my 13th birthday. I'll turn 13 on Friday the 13th of July in 2012. So...I'm rare. LOW PROBABILITY!!