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Q: Is biotin 5000 mg safe
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How many tables do you take to come up with 400 mg of biotin if the biotin is listed 5000 mcg?

How about 12.5- you should switch to the 5000mgs.

What is the difference bet biotin 5000 and biotin 8000?

The main difference between biotin 5000 and biotin 8000 is the dosage strength. Biotin 5000 contains 5000 micrograms (mcg) of biotin per serving, while biotin 8000 contains 8000 mcg of biotin per serving. The higher dosage in biotin 8000 may be beneficial for individuals with specific biotin deficiencies or hair, skin, and nail concerns, but it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before significantly increasing biotin intake.

Does mercury drugstore in the Philippines selling biotin 5000?


Biotin 300mcg equals how many mg?

300 mcg of anything = 0.3 mg of it

How many Biotin 5000 mcg you can consume each day?


5 g divided by 5000 mg?

5 g is equal to 5000 mg. When divided by 5000 mg, it equals 1.

What is 5000 milligrams in kilograms?

1,000,000 mg = 1 kg → 5000 mg = 5000 ÷ 1,000,000 kg = 0.005 kg

What is mg and mcg?

5000 mcg = mg

What is the recommended dose of biotin for weight loss?

about 5000 mcg per day

How many scoops of 5000 mg will you need for 5g?

1n scoop; 5000 mg is 5g.

Can biotin and Prozac be taken together?

I've taken these two together and had a blood rush. I don't know if it's because I didn't have anything on my stomach or because the Prozac was 40 mg and the Biotin was 5000 mg. All I know is that my heart started palpitating and I thought I was having a heart attack. I wasn't sure if it was the meds or what but I tried again the next day. I took them 30-45 mins apart...still without food but alot of water. I took the Prozac first and took the Biotin 30 min later. 10 mins after taking the Biotin, I had the same effects. I'm not sure if you can take these two together but I plan on stopping the Biotin.

How many milligrams are in 5000 mcg?

1000 mcg = 1 mg so 5000 mcg = 5000/1000 = 5 mg. Simple!