Yes, there are many definitions for the word blue: a colour, depressed, vulgar, the sea, disappointed. These are some examples of the various definitions.
ring -jewelry - bell
The state of being complex; intricacy; entanglement., That which is complex; intricacy; complication.
Smallest of Multiple Addition
The Danish word "grader" in English means degrees. Since degree has multiple uses one should specify that degree is used meaning the academic title and not the temperature unit.
Normally the term, "lowest common multiple" is used with at least two numbers. If you only have one number, then how does the word, "common" have any meaning? Nevertheless, to answer your question as it stands, the number itself is the lowest common multiple. Multiply it by two to get the next lowest multiple, then by 3 for the next lowest, etc.
A word that has multiple meanings
aoi is for blue
Multiple marital partners
the meaning of multigene is there is multiple different genes put together
The word "blue" in German has no meaning. However, the translation of the word "blue" into German is "blau."
ring -jewelry - bell
"Blue" or "feeling blue"