campfire, campground
its word that means one
Staircase is one word.
One. " stiff" is a one-syllable word. Hint: a word with only one vowel is almost certainly a one-syllable word.
Yes, this is a one syllable word.
'toil' is one word
One option is the word cauldron.
yes it can be one and can be two campsite/ camp site
In one word "DEADLY" .
camp, it's a french word originally!
Yes, campsite (a camp location) is one word, also used hyphenated as camp-site.
The Swedish word for camp site is "campingplats".
The Saxon word for camp is "campe" which originally meant an enclosure or field.
A camp could be so many things in English and there's no equivalent single word that covers all usages of "camp". Can you specify the context?
Camp is the same in French as in English.Specifically, the French word is a masculine noun. Its singular definite article le means "the." Its singular indefinite article un means "a, one."The pronunciation is "kaw."