

Is camp out one word

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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No, two words.

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Q: Is camp out one word
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What is another word for camp-kettle?

One option is the word cauldron.

Is campsite one word?

yes it can be one and can be two campsite/ camp site

What was the living condition inside the Buchenwald camp?

In one word "DEADLY" .

What is the french word for camp?

camp, it's a french word originally!

Is work site one word?

Yes, campsite (a camp location) is one word, also used hyphenated as camp-site.

What is the Swedish word for camp site?

The Swedish word for camp site is "campingplats".

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What is the English word 'camp' in French?

Camp is the same in French as in English.Specifically, the French word is a masculine noun. Its singular definite article le means "the." Its singular indefinite article un means "a, one."The pronunciation is "kaw."

What is the Swedish word for camp?

A camp could be so many things in English and there's no equivalent single word that covers all usages of "camp". Can you specify the context?

What is the word origin of the word camp?

The word camp (meaning a place on which tents or other temporary dwellings are erected) derives from the Latin campus, a plain.