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Q: Is cc file acceptable in a letter?
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What is the full form of cc in banking?

Two common uses are... Carbon Copy - When relating to a letter, sometimes a copy of a letter needs to be sent to more than one person, or kept by an organisation. The letter would have something like 'cc Personnel file' after the sender's signature. Credfit card - cc is used in banking as the short form of credit card.

Where do you put Cc in a letter?

at the bottom of the letter after your name. example: Sincerely, Your name cc

Do you need to sign a cc letter?

It is important to sign a cc letter. That is because the recipients still need to know whether the source of the letter is authentic.

Does a CC Letter go on letterhead or plain paper?

Always a CC Letter goes on a Letter head. Because it is a official letter it should go on a Letter head for legitimate identification.

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What is CRFS?

It is a random letter sequence that someone at the Honda motorcycle factory decided to put it in front of the cc number on dirtbikes and got paid a lot for it.

How do you petition for a name change?

You complete an acceptable petition and file it at the courthouse.

What does CC meen on a letter?

cc? might meen clan chat or come chat

Is a letter of completion acceptable for the National Guard?

You need to provide a bit more info in regards to a letter of completion from what and if it is acceptable for what reason.

Do you need to send a cover letter to CC recipients of a business letter?

The answer is: it depends. If you expect the addressee for the CC may have a strong interest in the original letter, or anticipate a action/reaction, then by all means write a cover letter (or letter of transmittal) to the CC addressee. Sometimes you want to make that CC person feel more important. A cover letter is a very nice way of expressing you care about that person's interest in the matter. It is the opposite of a dismissal.

What is the extension of a C plus plus file?

.h for headers, .cpp or .cc for sources

Is it proper etiquette to add the name of the person's company after the individual's name in the cc of a business letter?

Yes, it is proper etiquette to add the person's company name on a cc. In fact, the purpose of adding a cc is for the information of the recipient, if the recipient doesn't know the name, it would improper not to have the additional information. Example: cc: Mr. Glenn Green, Sales Manager, ABC Company, Greenbrier, VT Or if the name of the person is not available to you, the following is acceptable: cc: Manager of Sales, ABC Company, Greenbrier, VT Don't forget that a business letter is not only information for the recipient but it is also documentation of the information you have provided a recipient for your own records and/or your company's records.