That depends on which hole. Shorter holes will have more common hole in ones than long ones. In general, still very rare.
No, rare or uncommon is
Card Codes are the digits and letters that are located at the bottom of the card. If you happen to get an entire combo, you will get a card replicator(to replicate a card, 1 replicator = 1 common, uncommon, or super common, 3 replicators = 1 rare or ultra rare or 3 common, uncommon, or super common.)and a clue.
no it is very common
Yes, it is less common than a white diamond.
An opossum is NOT rare, it is a common animal.
More rare stronger and better looking
it mens that it is rare but if it has a dimond than its a uncommon and if it has a circle than its common
Mebulloblastoma is the most common children's brain tumour. It is vary rare in adults.
Diamond is better than gold because diamond is more rare and shinier than gold and comes in lots of colors . It is also worth more .
common minerals are not rare minerals eg:not rare
No but its better then nothing
Argon is rare.
gold is rare