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Q: Is composed of ch o and a 0.165-g sample is combusted in a combustion apparatus the gain in mass of the h2o absorber is 0.166g whereas that of the co2 absorber is 0.403g figure 1 a what?
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Is the black soot produced when a candle is burned carbon?

Yes, the black soot produced when a candle is burned is mainly composed of carbon particles that have not completely combusted in the flame.

Which is more dense diamond or charcoal?

Diamond , nearly twice that of graphite. (charcoal is not a fair comparison it is a porous partially combusted wood product composed mainly of graphite but there are many impurities.)

What happens when gas undergoes combustion?

Natural gas is mainly composed of methane. When methane undergoes combustion, it produces water and CO2 . CH4 + 2O2 -------> CO2 + 2H2O

Does the sun have oxygen to support combustion?

No, the sun is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium gases. There is very little oxygen on the sun to support combustion.

What organelles possesses a cis and trans side composed of cisternae?

The Golgi apparatus possesses a cis and trans side composed of cisternae. Proteins and lipids are modified and sorted as they move through these compartments, with the cis side receiving materials from the endoplasmic reticulum and the trans side shipping them out to their destinations.

What cell structure is composed of a stack of slightly curved saccules that are important in packaging and secretion?

The Golgi apparatus is composed of a stack of slightly curved saccules and is important in packaging and secretion of proteins and lipids. It receives proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum and modifies and sorts them before sending them to their destination within or outside the cell.

What is a bipropellant?

A bipropellant is a propellant composed of two components, typically a fuel and an oxidizer, which react together in the combustion chamber.

Can combustion chamber?

Can combustors are self contained cylindrical combustion chambers. Each "can" has its ownfuel injector, igniter, liner, and casing. Made up of individual combustion chambers. This type of combustion chamber is so arranged that air from the compressor enters each individual chamberthrough the adapter. Each individual chamber is composed of two cylindrical tubes, the combustionchamber liner and the outer combustion chamber. Combustion takes place within the liner. Airflowinto the combustion area is controlled by small louvers located in the inner dome, and by roundholes and elongated louvers along the length of the liner.

Is a Golgi apparatus made out of membranes or vesicles?

The Golgi apparatus is made up of membranes. It consists of a series of flattened, disk-like membranes called cisternae that are responsible for modifying, sorting, and packaging proteins and lipids for transport within the cell. While vesicles are involved in transporting materials to and from the Golgi apparatus, they are not the main structural component of the Golgi.

Can type combustion chamber?

Can combustors are self contained cylindrical combustion chambers. Each "can" has its ownfuel injector, igniter, liner, and casing. Made up of individual combustion chambers. This type of combustion chamber is so arranged that air from the compressor enters each individual chamberthrough the adapter. Each individual chamber is composed of two cylindrical tubes, the combustionchamber liner and the outer combustion chamber. Combustion takes place within the liner. Airflowinto the combustion area is controlled by small louvers located in the inner dome, and by roundholes and elongated louvers along the length of the liner.

Is diesel a hydrocarbon fuel?

Yes, diesel is a hydrocarbon fuel derived from crude oil. It is composed primarily of hydrocarbons like alkanes, cycloalkanes, and aromatic compounds, which are responsible for its energy-producing properties when combusted in engines.

A reaction occurs when a substance usually containing carbon reacts with oxygen to produce energy in the form of heat and light.?

FALSE. I would call this reaction a combustion reaction. I always understood a combination reaction to be a reaction between two elements or compounds to form 1 product. For example, sodium reacting with chlorine to produce sodium chloride. A combustion reaction usually forms more than one product. When burning fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil, etc.) the fuel contains compunds which are composed of mostly carbon & hydrogen. So when reacted with oxygen (or combusted) the products are carbon dioxide & water vapor, in addition to the heat & light produced.