the math operation that is the product is the anwser.
any operation
The answer is I dont like math sorry!! :D
x - + /
Typically the word of in a word problem means that you will pee
This is likely the word equals (peers, or the result of a math operation).
the math operation that is the product is the anwser.
The word (difference) in the question is indicating that you need to subtract. In a math operation, when you see the words difference, how much more, or exceed these all mean you need to subtract.
bytes integers long integers short integers word double word strings
any operation
denominator is a math term that starts with the letter d. the denominator is the bottom hafe of a fraction.
An inverse operation is when you do the opisite in math. For example when you subtract the inverse operation is to add.
Multiplication. A quarter OF 6 usually means (1/4) * 6 = 1.5
There is > and + is all i know Subtraction: 50 decreased by 10 is the same as 50 - 10.