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Q: Is each face parallel to an opposite face in cube?
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How many space diagonals does a cube have?

A cube has four space diagonals. One from each of the four vertices on the top face of the cube to the opposite vertex on the other face

The cube has 6 faces and each face is .?

Each face of a cube is a square.Each face of a cube is a square.Each face of a cube is a square.Each face of a cube is a square.

Which shape has no face with parallel edges but has parallel edges in the shape?

A regular dodecahedron, for example. Each face is a regular pentagon so no face has parallel sides. However, the edges on opposite faces are parallel to one another.

What is the shape of the face on a cube?

A cube is the 3-dimensional counterpart of a square. Each face of a cube is equal to all the others. This means that each face is a square.

How many edges does a cube have?

It has 12 congruent edges

What is my shape if my face has 3 pairs of parallel faces?

A cube or a cuboid

What shape is the face on a cube?

All faces on a cube are equal to each other the shape is of the face on a cube is a square

What polygon is each face of a cube?

A cube is a regular polyhedron, and each of the six faces of a cube is a square.

Cube each face is a what?

A square.

What is a sectional drawing?

One which shows a cross-section of the object it represents, i.e. as if that object had been cut across. . For example, if you have a steel cube with a hole drilled across it from the centre of one face to the centre of that opposite, you would not see the hole if you view the cube from another side. If however you were to saw the cube in half across the diameter of the hole, each half-cube would have a semi-circular channel across the cut face. A sectional drawing would represent that cut face, with the half-hole depicted as two parallel lines.

What is this solid figure has three pairs of a parallel faces and all face are congerent?

It is a cube.

What shape is each face on a cube?
