follower row
Its called underlined text
Each point is called a vertex.
Each surface of a polyhedron is called a face.
Each number in a number pattern is called a Term.
follower row
The top row of a table is called the header row. It typically contains column labels or headings that describe the data in each column below it.
Text printed at the top of the page is called a header.
That is called a header. You can use whatever type of text you like in a header (as long as it is available on your computer).
Generically this is called a "header".
Assuming you don't mean the title - You're probably referring to the header - it would contain such information as page or chapter numbers.
It is called a header.
*Header row*, lol stupid comp. skills class...
How your family can contribute to the growth of each member as a true follower of jesus
stdarg.h Before my original answer was removed and replaced with the above I suggested. Read the manual for your compiler the header files for each compiler are different. None of the compilers I currently use have a header file called "stdarg.h" but do have "varargs.h"
The location of a page header is typically at the top of a document or webpage, serving as an introduction to the content below it. It often includes titles, logos, and navigation elements to guide users through the page.
list of header files in c and function prototype associated with each file