First, look for a common denominator. The LCM of 9 and 6 is 18, so let's change it to different fractions.
8/9 & 5/6
16/18 & 15/18
This way, we can see that 8/9 is greater than 5/6, by 1/18
5/6 is greater.And the correct spelling is ninths, not nineths.
Nine and five-ninths minus six and five-sixths = 49/18 or 213/18
It is: 8/9 minus 5/6 = 1/18
Five sixths, as five is greater than two.
No, it's not.
5/6 is greater.And the correct spelling is ninths, not nineths.
Nine and five-ninths minus six and five-sixths = 49/18 or 213/18
It is: 8/9 minus 5/6 = 1/18
Five sixths, as five is greater than two.
Fractions greater than three fourths include four fifths, five sixths, six sevenths, seven eights, eight ninths, and infinitely many more others.
five ninths times eight is forty ninths.
five sixths
five sixths