The decimals with the same number of decimal places are called like decimals. Equivalent decimals are decimal numbers that have the same value. For example, 3.42, 6.05 are like decimals as they have two decimal places. For example, 0.3 and 0.30 are equivalent decimals as they present the same value.
8.100... and 8.0999.... (Yes, that is true).
Equivalent fractions are true when they show the same value: 2/4 = 1/2 = 4/8 all equal a half of the whole.
8.100... and 8.0999.... (Yes, that is true).
Equivalent fractions are true when they show the same value: 2/4 = 1/2 = 4/8 all equal a half of the whole.
They both measure numbers that are in between two whole numbers. Example: 56, (56.5,565%) 57. * * * * * That is so not true. You can have 200% which is equivalent to 2 - a whole number. And 23 is a decimal. You do not need a decimal point or a fraction. A decimal number is simply one in which each place value is ten times greater than the one to its right. Both percent and decimals are ways of representing numbers.
Yes, it is.
No, for silver coins as the value of silver changes the value of the coin changes. The same is true for gold coins.
There cannot be a counterexample since the assertion is true. This requires you to accept the true fact that the terminating decimal 1.25, for example, is equivalent to the repeating decimal 1.25000... (or even 1.24999.... ).