No. For example, consider the discontinuous bijection that increases linearly from [0,0] to [1,1], decreases linearly from (1,2) to (2,1), increases linearly from [2,2] to [3,3], decreases linearly from (3,4) to (4,3), etc.
By definition, a permutation is a bijection from a set to itself. Since a permutation is bijective, it is one-to-one.
It can be quite hard. First determine the domain. Then, for every input value from the domain, calculate the output value. The set of all these output values is the range. For simple functions you will not need to find every output value. For monotonic continuous functions the end points of the domain will determine the endpoints of the range. [Monotonic means never decreasing or never increasing]. For non-monotonic functions, for example a quadratic or polynomial of higher order, you may need to find the turning points.
Not every relation is a function. But every function is a relation. Function is just a part of relation.
Every function differs from every other function. Otherwise they would not be different functions!
That is part of the definition of a function.
By definition, a permutation is a bijection from a set to itself. Since a permutation is bijective, it is one-to-one.
It can be quite hard. First determine the domain. Then, for every input value from the domain, calculate the output value. The set of all these output values is the range. For simple functions you will not need to find every output value. For monotonic continuous functions the end points of the domain will determine the endpoints of the range. [Monotonic means never decreasing or never increasing]. For non-monotonic functions, for example a quadratic or polynomial of higher order, you may need to find the turning points.
Not every relation is a function. But every function is a relation. Function is just a part of relation.
Let A be any set that has at least 2 elements and let every element in set A maps to itself except for 2 elements that do not map to each other. i.e. A = 1, 2, 3, ... , n 1 --> 2 2 --> 1 3 --> 3 4 --> 4 ... n --> n
It is strictly dependent on your overall career goals and objectives. Every career will have training and education requirements particular to itself.It is strictly dependent on your overall career goals and objectives. Every career will have training and education requirements particular to itself.It is strictly dependent on your overall career goals and objectives. Every career will have training and education requirements particular to itself.It is strictly dependent on your overall career goals and objectives. Every career will have training and education requirements particular to itself.It is strictly dependent on your overall career goals and objectives. Every career will have training and education requirements particular to itself.It is strictly dependent on your overall career goals and objectives. Every career will have training and education requirements particular to itself.
Not every relation is a function. A function is type of relation in which every element of its domain maps to only one element in the range. However, every function is a relation.
Yes, but not the other way round - not every relation is a function.
Every function differs from every other function. Otherwise they would not be different functions!
That's true. If a function is continuous, it's (Riemman) integrable, but the converse is not true.
every cell perform different function so overall function of the body is relevent to the every cell
That is part of the definition of a function.
The graph of the sine function is periodic at every point. Periodic means that the value of the function at every point is repeated after an integer multiple of the period.