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Q: Is every normal distribution defined for all real numbers?
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What is the purpose of doing the z-score?

The Normal distribution is frequntly encountered in real life. Often a matter of interest is how likely it is that the random variable (RV) being studied takes a value that it did or one that is more extreme. This requires a comparison of the observed value of the RV with its Normal distribution. Unfortunately, the general Normal distribution is extremely difficult to calculate. The Normal distribution is defined by two parameters: the mean and the variance (or standard deviation). It is impossible to tabulate the distribution of every possible combination of two parameters - both of which are continuous real numbers. However, using Z score reduces the problem to that of tabulating only one the Normal distribution: the N(0, 1) or standard Normal distribution. This allows the analysis of an RV with any Normal distribution.

Is every whole number is an integer?

That is how whole numbers are defined.

What is a comparison distribution?

A comparison distribution type is what we use to make inferences from the data of our study or experiment. The researcher uses the comparison distribution to determine how well the distribution can be approximated by the normal distribution. Hypothesis testing is very important for every statistical test.

Does every undefined value of fx lead to a vertical asymptote?

No. For example, in real numbers, the square root of negative numbers are not defined.

Is every irrational a real number. If Yes Why?

Yes irrational numbers are real numbers that are part of the number line,

Is every irrational number a real number and how?

The set of real numbers is defined as the union of all rational and irrational numbers. Thus, the irrational numbers are a subset of the real numbers. Therefore, BY DEFINITION, every irrational number is a real number.

What is normal distribution?

It is a symmetric bell-shaped distribution which can be used to represent a very large number things from every-day life. It has some very useful statistical properties.

Why are every positive rational number greater than every negative rational number?

It is because of the way in which positive and negative numbers are defined.

Why is every rational number a real number?

There are rational numbers and irrational numbers. Real numbers are DEFINED as the union of the set of all rational numbers and the set of all irrational numbers. Consequently, all rationals, by definition, must be real numbers.

How is it possible to convert normal distributions to the standard normal distribution?

use this link Say you start with 1000 observations from a standard normal distribution. Then the mean is 0 and the standard deviation is 1, ignoring sample error. If you multiply every observation by Beta and add Alpha, then the new results will have a mean of Alpha and a standard deviation of Beta. Or, do the reverse. Start with a normal distribution with mean Alpha and standard deviation Beta. Subtract Alpha from all observations and divide by Beta and you wind up with the standard normal distribution.

The normal aging process is best defined as?

Normal aging is best defined by chronological aging 65 to 74 - young old; 75 to 84 middle old; 85 above old old. Biological aging does not match uniformly with the above. Functional aging is different for every individual who is aging.

Are whole numbers also an integer?

We looked on-line for definitions of "integer", and every one we found defined "integer" as meaning "whole number". So, yes.