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Here for starters is a personal opinion:

Feng Shui is the science of chi, or energy flow, in a house. By science I mean a systematical analysis and interpretation of observation and measurable cause and effect, and the history of Feng Shui is certainly based in science.

But I must say as both a trained scientist and interior designer, as well as a student of energy in all forms, that while the essential core of Feng Shui is scientific, it can be concluded that popularist and commercial additions and interpretations have coloured and distorted the fine principles of design almost beyond recognition of the original principles.

So if you are interested in Feng Shui, take the time to delve a little deeper that how-to articles in popularist magazines and TV shows!

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What has the author Y W Ma written?

Y. W. Ma has written: 'Zhongguo xiao shuo shi gao' -- subject(s): Chinese fiction, Hsitory and criticism 'Zhongguo xiao shuo shi ji gao' 'Shui hu ren wu zhi zui'

What are the meanings of the 8 primary colors?

First, there are only three primary colours.RedPagan interpretation of meaning and uses: Red is the colour of blood, and thus, life & death. Used for strength, protection, sex, passion, courage, projection, birth, action, festivity, faith, anger, enthusiasm, life, renewal, vitality, power, aggression and achievement.Red symbolises will, intense emotion, the Mother, the masculine principal, volcanoes, summer, the element Fire, the planet Mars, the day Tuesday and the Zodiac signs Aries & Scorpio.Throughout Polynesia red was a sacred colour associated with both deities and the highest social classes.The Norse saw it as a sign of magical might & main, protective power, spiritual life & vigour, aggressive force and used it as the principal colour of runes.In the far east red is the colour of joy and fertility, thus it is a traditional colour for brides' dresses.Use red in magic spells for deep affection, active leadership, expansion, life force, maintaining health and physical energy. It is also widely used in magical defence.Feng Shui: Red represents the element Fire, and associated with life, and good fortune.Psychologically Red is Physical. Positive: Physical courage, strength, warmth, energy, basic survival, 'fight or flight', stimulation, masculinity, excitement. Negative: Defiance, aggression, visual impact, strain.Being the longest wavelength, red is a powerful colour. Although not technically the most visible, it has the property of appearing to be nearer than it is and therefore it grabs our attention first. Hence its effectiveness in traffic lights the world over. Its effect is physical; it stimulates us and raises the pulse rate, giving the impression that time is passing faster than it is. It relates to the masculine principle and can activate the "fight or flight" instinct. Red is strong, and very basic. Pure red is the simplest colour, with no subtlety. It is stimulating and lively, very friendly. At the same time, it can be perceived as demanding and aggressive.Blue.Pagan interpretation of meaning and uses: Blue is the colour of fidelity. Used for truth, wisdom, faith, intelligence, peace, meditation, healing, psychism, patience, decision making, poetry, understanding,Happiness, sleep, dreams, tranquility, the oceans, waters, and the sky.Blue symbolises the Great Mother Queen of Heaven, feminine mysteries, The Element Water, the planet Venus, the day Thursday and the Zodiac signs Aquarius & Pisces.The Norse saw blue as the all encompassing, all penetrating, and omnipresent mystical force of numen and a sign of restless motion.The Europeans connected it with the upper classes (blue-blooded) and it is commonly used as a term of loyalty (true blue).Use blue in magic spells to protect one's reputation, defeat enemies, protect hearth & home, protect the young and for self-awareness. When combined with white it is said to create confusion among the evil.Psychologically Blue - Intellectual. Positive: Intelligence, communication, trust, efficiency, serenity, duty, logic, coolness, reflection, calm. Negative: Coldness, aloofness, lack of emotion, unfriendliness.Blue is the colour of the mind and is essentially soothing; it affects us mentally, rather than the physical reaction we have to red. Strong blues will stimulate clear thought and lighter, soft blues will calm the mind and aid concentration. Consequently it is serene and mentally calming. It is the colour of clear communication. Blue objects do not appear to be as close to us as red ones. Time and again in research, blue is the world's favourite colour. However, it can be perceived as cold, unemotional and unfriendly.YellowPagan interpretation of meaning and uses: Yellow is the colour of the energy of the sun. Used for healing, prosperity, intellect, intuition, truth, life, attraction, light, beauty, humility, eloquence, confidence, divination, communication, happiness, learning, clairvoyance, goodness, travel and movement. It symbolises the God, the sun, the Sun King, the power of thought, self-esteem, grain, the Element Air the solar plexus chakra, all sun gods, the mind, the day Sunday and the zodiac signs Taurus & Libra.The Polynesians saw it as the colour of royalty and divinity.The Norse interpreted it as earthly powers, a sign of desire & lust, and as a will towards manifestation.Heraldic devices used yellow to represent gold.Use Yellow in magic for studying and to heighten your visualisation skills.If you wear a bit of yellow to a job interview it shows you can be trusted.Feng Shui: Yellow is an Imperial colour and often represented by gold.Psychologically Yellow - Emotional Positive: Optimism, confidence, self-esteem, extraversion, emotional strength, friendliness, creativity. Negative: Irrationality, fear, emotional fragility, depression, anxiety, suicide.The yellow wavelength is relatively long and essentially stimulating. In this case the stimulus is emotional, therefore yellow is the strongest colour, psychologically. The right yellow will lift our spirits and our self-esteem; it is the colour of confidence and optimism. Too much of it, or the wrong tone in relation to the other tones in a colour scheme, can cause self-esteem to plummet, giving rise to fear and anxiety. Our "yellow streak" can surface.

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What is feng shui?

In Chinese, "feng" means "wind" and "shui" means "water." It is the Chinese practice of placing objects based on a belief in patters of yin. Supposedly targeting specific emotions and changing them. What is Feng Shui? This is a simple question that can be difficult to answer. Feng Shui is an ancient art and science developed over 3,000 years ago in China. It is a complex body of knowledge that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure the health and good fortune for people inhabiting it. Feng means wind and shui means water. In Chinese culture wind and water are associated with good health, thus good feng shui came to mean good fortune, while bad feng shui means bad luck, or misfortune. Feng Shui is based on the Taoist vision and understanding of nature, particularly on the idea that the land is alive and filled with Chi, or energy. The ancient Chinese believed that the land's energy could either make or break the kingdom, so to speak. The theories of yin and yang, as well as the five feng shui elements, are some of the basic aspects of a feng shui analysis that come from Taoism.

When was Sim-Feng Shui created?

Sim-Feng Shui was created in 1997.

When did Sim-Feng Shui happen?

Sim-Feng Shui happened in 1999.

What has the author Gill Hale written?

Gill Hale has written: 'Feng Shui and Harmonious Living' 'The Complete Guide to the Feng Shui Garden' 'How to Feng Shui Your Garden' 'Le Grand Livre du Feng Shui' 'How to feng shui your home' -- subject(s): Feng shui, Feng shui in interior decoration 'The feng shui bible' -- subject(s): Feng shui 'The Feng Shui Garden' 'The practical encyclopedia of feng shui' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Feng-shui, Encyclopedias 'Feng Shui Your Life: Enhancing Energies for Home & Life' 'Crystals, Colour and Chakra' 'The Feng Shui Bible: A Practical Guide for Harmony & Well Being' 'How To Feng Shui Your Office (Practical Handbooks (Lorenz))' 'The Spiritual Home' 'The Practical Encyclopedia of Feng Shui'

How does feng shui influence design?

Feng Shui is a pseudo science collected from wisdom of design and living in china. It is a merge of various believe and various lesson learn. Some Feng Shui suggest might be logically correct and some may not. It is due to different in geology and culture that Feng Shui was originally evolve. Use Feng Shui as is without adaptation generally yield headache to designer and engineer in charge for its' safety and practical function. In design application, idea of Feng Shui is design with function. The function mean working application and also mean spiritual application. Feng Shui meant to be apply where it is not violate code of safety and against nature of the environment.

Why is there feng shui on sims 2 psp?

because you are in Strangetown, So the people there is have beliefs on Feng Shui BTW Feng Shui is Chinese Tradition Luck

How much does a Feng Shui consultant earn?

How much does a Feng Shui consultant earn?

Feng Shui Decorating?

form_title=Feng Shui Decorating form_header=Reach the balance of your energies with Feng Shui decorating. Does any part of your home already have Feng Shui decorating?= () Yes () No () Not Sure What is your budget for this project?=_ How many rooms do you want to decorate with Feng Shui?= {(),1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15} Do you want to replace your furniture?= () Yes () No () Not Sure

When was Feng Shui - film - created?

Feng Shui - film - was created on 2004-09-15.