No - 24 is not the perfect square of an integer. Rounded to five decimal places, sqrt(24) = 4.89898.
No - rounded to five decimal places, sqrt(90) = ±9.48683
No, 325 is not a perfect square however 324 is a perfect square.
38 is not a perfect square. Its square root is a fraction and the square root of a perfect square is always an integer.
No- the closest perfect squares are 36 (perfect square of 6) and 49 (perfect square of 7)
No - 61 is not the perfect square of an integer. Rounded to five decimal places, its square root is equal to 7.81025.
its a number that a different number goes into equallyfor example25 is a perfect square because 5 times 5 is twenty five. two of the same number multiply and get the perfect square8 times 8 is a perfect square7 times 9 is not
No - 24 is not the perfect square of an integer. Rounded to five decimal places, sqrt(24) = 4.89898.
No - rounded to five decimal places, sqrt(90) = ±9.48683
200 is not a perfect square. Its square root is a fraction and the square root of a perfect square is always an integer.
No, 325 is not a perfect square however 324 is a perfect square.
A perfect square is a square of an integer (a whole number).
30 is not a perfect square. Its square root is a fraction and the square root of a perfect square is always an integer.
500 is not a perfect square. Its square root is a fraction and the square root of a perfect square is always an integer.
38 is not a perfect square. Its square root is a fraction and the square root of a perfect square is always an integer.
154 is a not perfect square.
No- the closest perfect squares are 36 (perfect square of 6) and 49 (perfect square of 7)