5/8 or 3/4
find common denominators (aka the bottom number, always will be)
the common denominator is 8, because 2*4=8
so 5/8 remains the same. while you multiply the top and the bottom by 2(whatever you do to the bottom you MUST do to the top)
so looking at them now
5/8 or 6/8 which one is bigger?
5/8 is bigger.
5/8 is bigger
Yes, three quarters is larger than five eights because three quarters is equivalent to six eighths.
Five eighths of course !
To determine which fraction is larger, you can convert them to have a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator would be 8. Three fourths is equivalent to six eighths, while five eighths remains the same. Therefore, three fourths (or six eighths) is larger than five eighths.
5/8 is bigger.
5/8 is bigger.
No it is not. 5 and 3 eighths are bigger by one eighth.
5/8 is bigger.
5/8 is bigger
Five sixths is the bigger fraction.
Seven eights
It is five eighths.