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Q: Is five ninths bigger than two thirds?
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What fraction is bigger five eights or five ninths?

Five eights is 40 which is much bigger than five ninths, which is less than 1.

Is five ninths bigger than half?


Is two thirds bigger than seven ninths?

no, 2/3 is the same as 6/9

Is five ninth greater than or less than four eighth?

Four Eights Is Bigger Than Five Ninths.

Is one ninths greater than five ninths?

i think no * No. Take a second to think about it- if you take a pie and cut it into nine equal slices, is one slice bigger than five slices?

Is 2 over 9 bigger than 1 half?

no ____ No: 2 over 9 (2/9) is only two ninths, which is less than a third, which is three ninths (3/9). five ninths (5/9) is bigger than a half, if that helps.

Is two thirds larger than seven ninths?

No, two thirds equals about 66%, while seven ninths equals about 77%...

Is three ninths bigger than four ninths?


Is three tenths bigger than two ninths?

Three tenths is bigger than two ninths.

Which is bigger two thirds or four ninths?

Common DenomenatorFirst you need a common denomenator.2/3 4/9you can multiply 2/3 by 3/3 to make it 6/9look at the number on top. is 6 bigger than 4? or is 4 bigger than 6?6 is bigger than four, so 2/3 is bigger than 4/9

What is bigger 1 third or 3 eights?

Three ninths is one third, and eighths are bigger than ninths. Three eighths is bigger than three ninths. Therefore three eighths is bigger than one third.

What fraction is bigger than two thirds but less than seven ninths?

2/3 = 12/18 and 7/9 = 14/18So the fraction between them is 13/18