No it is not it is only one word forty-five <- you count that as ONE word right?
Two and forty-five ten-thousandths.
Two thousand, three hundred forty-five and six thousand, seven hundred forty-five ten-thousandths.
Five hundred forty-six thousand, two hundred ten
Ah, writing numbers in words can be like painting a beautiful picture with letters. To write 42.5 in words, you simply write "forty-two point five." Just like adding little happy trees to your painting, writing numbers in words can add a touch of beauty to your writing.
Seventy-five thousand, two hundred forty.
Two hundred forty-five thousands.
Five hundred forty-two.
Three hundred forty-five thousand, two hundred and forty-two thousandths.
In Britain, I would write It as five thousand, two hundred and forty-three.
Two hundred forty-five thousand, three hundred forty-six.
Two million, five thousand, forty.
Two and forty-five ten-thousandths.
Four forty-five A quarter to five Forty-five minutes past four
Two thousand, three hundred forty-five and six thousand, seven hundred forty-five ten-thousandths.
Five hundred forty-six thousand, two hundred ten
Three hundred five thousand, six hundred forty-two
Two and eight hundred forty-five thousandths.