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Dont think so, i always use Boric acid powder,

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Q: Is ginger extract effective in killing cockroaches?
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Why do Romans use ginger spice?

Romans use ginger spice because it is good foam mainly good for cooking and for herbal medicine

Albert Einstein sense of humor?

gingers DO have a sense of humor, i know this because a ginger wore a funny-ish teeshirt once lol no, its ACTUALY true!

What word that is a compound word that is two separate words?

All compound words are made up of separate words: Handsome = hand+some Something = some+thing Deadbeat = dead+beat Eyebrow = eye+brow Gingersnap = ginger+snap

What are 10?

PEPPER, SALT, ROSEMARY, NUTMEG, SEASON SALT, GARLIC SALT, GARLIC POWDER, CINNAMON, SAGE, MINT,A Few More ChoicesSpices are usually obtained from the seed, nuts, roots, and bark of various plants. If you are looking for culinary spices, try: allspice, caraway, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, coriander, cumin, fenugreek, garlic, ginger, mace, mustard, nutmeg, poppy seed, turmeric, & vanilla As for the peppers try: black peppercorns, cayenne, chilli, paprika, red peppercorns & white peppercorns. Anything which comes from the leaves of a plant is considered an herb, such as: cilantro, dill, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage & thyme.

How to Count in Cauliflower when thinking flowers for Spring?

Cauliflowers are usually thought of as the white vegetable, but it is really part of those great cruciferous vegetables in the same family as the good greens--broccoli, collards, and kale. The head of the cauliflower is called a curd, funny isn't that, and it is actually undeveloped flower buds.Interestingly enough, cauliflower can come in other colors besides white. There are orange, purple hues, and even the most interesting type of cauliflower --the broccoflower, which is a green cauliflower.Cauliflower can be considered tops because it has all the essential amino acids in perfect proportions--more so than broccoli. And, if you can get the green cauliflower, or is even higher in protein than either white cauliflower, or broccoli!The whole cauliflower--heads, stems and leaves can all be eaten, although most people just eat the florets. The stems and leaves are great added to soups and stocks for extra nutrition.One of the easiest and best ways to eat cauliflower is a quick spicy sauté. Let your cauliflower sit a few minutes after your cut it before cooking. Heat some broth, add your florets, add a bit of turmeric cover and sauté for 5 minutes. Then add your favorite dressing using olive oil.You can puree or mash cooked cauliflower and add it to soups.The Cauliflower Nutrient ScoreCauliflower has fantastic benefits to your health and nutrition. As part of the cruciferous vegetables, nutrition experts recommend 4 or 5 servings a week.First, why do you even want to consider this budded vegetable? Cauliflower has been shown in studies with strong results in cancer prevention, especially cancers of the breast, colon, prostate, ovarian and bladder.Cauliflower has been studied and shown to work on the bodies 3 major health supporting systems. First it helps to books the body's detoxification system by activating certain detoxification enzymes and helping to regulate their activity.With its great source of vitamin C and manganese, cauliflower has these two important antioxidants.You may not think of cauliflower as having omega-3 fatty acids, but it does, and also vitamin K that are great for supporting your body's anti-inflammation properties.Then, there is the great fiber content, which makes cauliflower a perfect choice for your digestive system.Another interesting discovery about cauliflower abilities is its beneficial role in preventing the bacteria in the stomach lining that causes inflammations such as ulcers, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and type 2 diabetes.Dealing with the smellsOne reason people might shy away from cauliflower is that when cooked, some of its particular phytonutrients let off some sulfurous materials that people find to be an unpleasant odor. To lessen the odor and also keep more of the nutrients in. Here are some suggested ways of dealing with those unpleasant odors of cooking cauliflower. Pour some plain white vinegar into a dish near your cooking. Both the cauliflower and the vinegary smells will go away. A couple of drops in the cooking can also help.Another interesting means, depending on your methods of preparation, is to put a piece of bread on the cauliflower while it is boiling--which will absorb some of those molecules that smell.Avoid using an aluminum or iron pot which will intensify the sell of cauliflower.Cooking with CauliflowerThere are some interesting and unique ways to use cauliflower to up your intake of the important cruciferous nutrients.Quick Savory Cauliflower SautéPrepare your cauliflower florets. Heat a tablespoon or 2 of olive oil in a skillet until its hot, stir in your cauliflower. When it browns nicely on the bottom, turn and sauté until their really golden all around about 5 minutes. Then add a clove of finely minced garlic, stir another 30 seconds or 1 minute. Stir in some chives, some lemon zest and serve with some flaked toasted almonds or optional grated Parmesan.Favorite Caramelly CauliflowerToss your cauliflower with some nice olive oil and sea salt, optional cumin, and roast in a 425 oven until brown and caramelized for that unbeatable nutty flavor.A Greek Style Cauliflower is made with cooking it with white wine, vinegar, olive oil, coriander and fennel. This dish is typically eaten not hot but cold after being refrigerated overnight.Cheesy Cauliflower BakeFirst steam a head of cauliflower cut into florets just to tender but not soft--only about 5 minutes, or microwave about 2 minutes. Make a yummy sauce with 1 cup of milk just scalded., a mixture of 1/4 cup cold milk and 3 tablespoons flour making a paste, then stir your paste into the hot milk and cook stirring so it does not burn until it gets thick about 3 or 4 minutes. Then whisk in 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese, 1/2 cup shredded Swiss cheese, and seasonings to taste. Sprinkle the top with 3-4 tablespoons parmesan cheese and 2 tablespoons healthy breadcrumbs. Bake at 375 30 minutes.Cauliflower AromaticPrepare our florets. Dip them in a mixture of 1 egg and 1 tablespoon milk. Make a dry coating mix of 1/4 cup healthy breadcrumbs (or grated nuts combined), 1/2 teaspoon minced fresh ginger, 1-2 cloves minced garlic, 1/4 teaspoon curry, 1 tablespoon minced cilantro, salt and pepper. First dip in a wet mixture of 1 egg and 1 tablespoon milk. Then into coating. Place them on a greased and foil lined baking sheet in a 400 degree oven Roast them for 25-30 minutes, turning them one time.

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Can ginger be insect repellent?

extract the ginger.then put the extract in a sprayer.....and finally spray it on the target insects....-S&E

What solvent solutes ginger?

Ethanol or methanol are commonly used solvents to extract the compounds present in ginger, such as gingerols and shogaols. These solvents are effective in extracting the bioactive components that have potential health benefits.

Does ginger ale have alcohol in it?

Some Ginger ales contain vanilla extract. Vanilla extract contains alcohol.

How many ingedients is there in Ginger Beer?

The ingredients in ginger beer are carbonated water, sugar/glucose-fructose, ginger extract, natural and artificial flavour, citric acid, sodium benzoate, and colour. So, there are seven different ingredients.

Does ginger prevent motion sickness?

I have carried candied ginger root with me for motion sickness as long as I have been an adult. It is a safe and for me effective way to deal with the problem. As a last resort (if I do not have ginger root) ginger ale will help, but is nowhere near as effective. :Ginger root is one of, if not the best way to cure motion sickness, temporally of course. Middle Eastern sailors have used ginger roots for motion sickness for centuries. Although, it can sometimes be hard to find ginger roots in stores, ginger ale is next best thing. While some say it isn't as strong as the roots, it is still very effective.

Does candied ginger have the same pain relieving properties as fresh ginger?

Candied ginger does not have the same pain relieving properties as fresh ginger, but it is still very strong. The cooking of ginger makes it less effective, but it is still a good pain reliever and stomach relaxer.

How is gingerbeer made commercially?

Commercially, ginger beer is made by fermenting a mix of ginger, sugar, water, and yeast. The ginger is crushed and mixed with hot water to extract its flavor, then sugar is added before cooling. Once the mixture is cooled, yeast is added to begin fermentation, usually in large tanks. After fermentation, the ginger beer is filtered, pasteurized, and carbonated before being bottled or canned for distribution.

Why is ginger antibacterial?

Ginger contains bioactive compounds such as gingerol and shogaol that have been shown to exhibit antibacterial properties. These compounds disrupt the cell membrane of bacteria, inhibit their growth, and interfere with their ability to form biofilms, making ginger effective against certain bacterial strains.

Is Dramamine safe during pregnancy?

I would do ginger pills instead. I know that sounds crazy, but they are just as effective, and they won't wear you out like the Dramamine will. Not to mention much safer and better for your body. Take two to three of them, depending on how sick you get. Another nice part is that you can't Overdose on ginger :) I would do ginger pills instead. I know that sounds crazy, but they are just as effective, and they won't wear you out like the Dramamine will. Not to mention much safer and better for your body. Take two to three of them, depending on how sick you get. Another nice part is that you can't Overdose on ginger :)

How do you make cookies wihout vanallia?

You can make cookies without vanilla by adding another sort of flavoring. Almond or lemon extract would be good substitutes, or you could add spices such as cinnamon and ginger.

What is ginger ale soda made out of?

Ginger ale is made from ginger!

Is ginger a fruit?

no ginger is a vegtable