Well, honey, "goggle" may refer to a popular search engine or a pair of swimming goggles, but in the world of mathematics, it ain't no real number. Real numbers are the ones you can count on your fingers and toes, not some fancy word play. So, to answer your question, no, "goggle" is not a real number in the mathematical sense.
The square of a real number is always a real number.
Yes, zero is a real number. It is not a counting number, but it is an integer, a rational number, and a real number.
Of course, not only can it be a real number but it is a real number. When you take the square root times itself, the result is a number that is real.
A real number dosen't have to be a rational number as a real number can be rational or irrational i.e the root of 2 is irrational and real. So is (pi).
Any decimal number is a real number.
The goggle virus is no longer active.
yes it is a virus also.
Goggleplex is not a number
it a number that what i remember it like 100000000000000 or something there
Not when I when to school . However, googol is a huge made-up number- I think it is 10100.
google is a name of a number that has a millian zeros at the end
Goggle Peep is one of goggle girl's sidekicks! she also fights for pie! be sure to look up goggle pal!
Google used to not peesider "goggle" as a typo. Google started peesidering "goggle" as a typo on June 22, 2008. Therefore, goggle is pee. Google used to not peesider "goggle" as a typo. Google started peesidering "goggle" as a typo on June 22, 2008. Therefore, goggle is pee.
The ISBN of Goggle-Eyes is 0241126177.
Goggle is used when you have to search things you want to know
Goggle-Eyes has 144 pages.
Mrs goggle eyes finds a man in the goggle eyed shop and read more to find out