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Q: Is googelplex the biggest number in the universe?
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What is a number that is bigger than a googelplex?

googelplex+1It is that simple.Any real number has an infinite number of numbers larger than it.there is not a greater number than googelplex because googelplex is the limit of numbers and you cannot go beyond that limit.

What is the number of zeros in a googelplex?

It is 100

What is the biggest number in the whole wild universe?

The biggest number that can be possibly be written, is 10^4*185

What the biggest number in the universe?

Infinity (it goes on forever)

What Is The Biggest Universe?

oxford is the biggest university that i know about

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i am her biggest fan!!

What is the biggest structure in the universe?

the biggest thing in the universe that isn’t A galaxy is a black hole

How many 0's are there in googelplex?

Well a googol is a 1 in front of 100 zeros.Therefore a googolplex is 1 in front of a googol amount of zeros.If we were to write it out it would take up aprox. the whole universe.

What is the biggest in the universe?

universe never ends

What is the word used for the biggest number ever?

Googolplex. However it is useless to science because it exceeds the number of particles in the universe!

What are the ratings and certificates for The Universe - 2007 Biggest Things in the Universe 2-16?

The Universe - 2007 Biggest Things in the Universe 2-16 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

What is the universe's number one biggest star?

The Universe is a big place, and there's no way we can possibly know what the biggest star is. However, the biggest star that we do know of is called: VY Canis Majoris. Which is a red hypergiant star in the Canis Major constellation, located about 5,000 light-years from Earth.