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For the most part, yes; the weight of an object is equal at any point on the Earth as measured by any standard scale. However, using a gravimeter it is possible to detect minute differences in gravitational force. These differences are due to differences in topography or rock density at the site of measurement. For example, a gravimeter will yield a slightly lower gravity measure if read above a granite slab (low density) than it would over a basalt slab (high density), providing that both slabs are at equal altitude and are thick enough to be detected by the gravimeter (often on the order of 10s-100s of meters thick). Measuring gravity is how many features below the ice on Antarctica have been mapped, and is often how oil fields are discovered.

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Q: Is gravitational force constant all over earth?
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How does the moons gravitational force affect the crust of the earth?

The gravitational force of the moon causes tidal bulges in the Earth's crust, leading to the rise and fall of ocean tides. This gravitational interaction between the moon and the Earth also contributes to the phenomenon of Earth's rotation slowing down over time.

Why does the gravitational force between the Earth and moon predominate over electrical forces?

The gravitational force between the Earth and moon is stronger than the electrical forces because gravitational force depends on the masses of the objects and the distance between them, while electrical forces are influenced by the charges of the objects. The Earth and moon have significant mass and are relatively close compared to their charges, resulting in a stronger gravitational force.

Over millions of years the moon is moving further away from the earth what will happen to the gravitational attraction between the moon and the earth as the moon gets further away?

As the moon gets further and further away, the gravitational force between the Earth and the Moon decreases. Because the Moon is not being attracted but being pushed away from the Earth. If the gravitational force would have increased, the moon would come closer and closer to the Earth.

12 Would it ever be possible for the moon to exert more gravitational pull on ship than the earth would?

No, the gravitational force exerted by the Earth on a ship will always be greater than the gravitational force exerted by the Moon on the ship. This is because the gravitational force is directly proportional to the mass of the objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, with the Earth having a significantly higher mass than the Moon.

In which direction does earth's gravitation force act?

It is a linear force towards two centers of gravity: you and the earth. While the earth exerts a strong gravitational pull on you, you exert a gravitational force upon the earth, although it a much lesser force since you have far less mass than the earth. To go even further, the magnitude of the sum of forces would be 9.81m/s2 plus your body's gravitational acceleration, whatever that number may be. So let's say that the gravitational force that you exert is 0.001 m/s2, then the total magnitude would be 9.82m/s2. This was answered with credible sourceOld Answer: It`s NOT your face ser.

What affect the magnitude of force?

Gravitational Force = Gravitational Constant x mass of the first object x mass of the second object / distance squared. So what affects the magnitude is the masses of the objects and the distance between them. Gravitational Constant = 6.672 x 10^-11 N x m^2/kg^2 Both masses, and the distance between them.

Why is g called the universal constant?

It is the measure of the gravitational force experienced between any two bodies, anywhere in the universe. So, the same number is used to calculate the gravitational attraction between bodies anywhere in the universe. There are, however, some questions as to whether is is (or was) a constant over time.

Is the speed at which the earth rotates constant?

Yes, the speed at which the Earth rotates on its axis is relatively constant, at about 1670 km/h at the equator. However, factors such as gravitational interactions with other celestial bodies can cause slight variations in its rotational speed over long periods of time.

What forces shape the moon's surface?

The moon's surface is shaped by a combination of impacts from meteoroids, volcanic activity in the past, and the gravitational forces from Earth. These forces have created features such as craters, mountains, and valleys on the moon's surface over billions of years.

Which force is responsible when a ripe fruit falls from a tree?

Of course, the gravitational pull of the earth is the prime factor here. The apple is being pulled to the centre of the earth, but in most cases is blocked by something .Example, the ground. Gravity is pulling everything toward it, but depending on how heavy it is determines how much force that gravity has over the object. For example: Gravity has more control over a car than a helium balloon, because the heavier the object, the more gravitational pull it conducts.

What is the force from gravity?

If your question rephrased is 'What force does gravity give?' then the answer would be a Gravitational Force. In depth, a Gravitational force is a pulling force which, when opposing other forces, is usually over 55% dominant.

A force of attraction between any two objects?

Gravitational force is a force of attraction between any two objects with mass, acting over a distance.