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Q: Is heaven in another dimension
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Where is heaven situated in astronomy maps of the universe?

On the flip side of the map, in another dimension.

Is heaven invisible?

It is a different dimension; a different universe. You can only view the dimension you are presently in.

What is another verb word for dimension?

what is another varb word for dimension

When was Another Dimension created?

Another Dimension was created on 2009-01-12.

Is it possible for the yeti to go to another dimension?

It is not possible for anything to go to another dimension.

Does the bible teach that there is normative dimension in the kingdom of heaven?

See the many answers for the Kingdom of Heaven. Your question about the normative dimension of the kingdom of heaven, is an anomaly, as it presumes to mix man's wisdom and man's understanding with the spiritual things of God. Please read 1Corinthians 3.19 and 1.25

Is heaven a place?

No it is not a place it is a planet!! not as we would describe it. Dimension would be closer.

Where does Jehovah live?

Jehovah is God, and lives in a special dimension, called Heaven.

Is heaven above us?

No one really knows, however; some believe heaven is located in another dimension, apart from the 3-spacial and 1-temporal dimension of which we currently inhabit. By that rational, there would be no UP, no DOWN, no direction of any kind nor any sort of measurable time either. It could coexist in the same place as we are now or be a million light years away.

Is there such a thing as another dimension?


How can you change a dimension value?

Flip the object a certain way so it is another dimension.

Is heaven actually above us?

No one really knows, however; some believe heaven is located in another dimension, apart from the 3-spacial and 1-temporal dimension of which we currently inhabit. By that rational, there would be no UP, no DOWN, no direction of any kind nor any sort of measurable time either. It could coexist in the same place as we are now or be a million light years away.