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Q: Is high school rank ordinal or interval?
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Which of these measurement scales has a rank order associated with its use?


What do you call the numbers that indicate position in a group?

The rank or ordinal.

Is rank in the army a categorical variable?

Yes it is. It is an ordinal variable ( which means it is meaningful ) because rank has an order and it is meaningful to rank the soldiers.

How does the commissioned staff form?

in one rank, at normal interval and centered on the commander

True or false Data at the ordinal level are quantitative only?

False. Data at the ordinal level can be either quantitative or qualitative. In ordinal data, the categories have a meaningful order or rank, but the difference between the categories is not necessarily equal.

What is the ordinal rank of Florida when it became a state?

It became the 27th state March 3, 1545

What is the rank of St Patrick's High School?

it is 6 th in all of the ratings

What is the rank of osei tutu senior high school?

Akropong,Ashanti region

What rank is Brandon schallock in for wrestling in high school?

I am pretty sure he is in the top ten.

What is a validictorian?

Student with the highest academic rank who delivers the high school graduation speech

What is ordinal approach to the theory of consumer behavior?

ordinal approach to the theory of consumer behaviour is consumer's ability to rank his preference for various combination of products. It uses Indifference curve to analyse these preferences.

What is the name of the numbers that show order or rank rather than quantity?

First, Second, Third ... are called Ordinal Numbers.