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In Fahrenheit, higher numbers represent hotter temperatures.

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Q: Is higher number in Fahrenheit colder than the lower number?
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Which is colder 90 degrees Fahrenheit or 17 Fahrenheit?

17 degrees Fahrenheit is colder than 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is higher number in Celsius colder than the lower number?


Is the lower the temperature the warmer it is on Fahrenheit?

No, in Fahrenheit, the lower the temperature, the colder it is. For example, 30°F is colder than 50°F.

Is 18 Fahrenheit colder than 35 degrees Fahrenheit?

Yes, 18 degrees Fahrenheit is colder than 35 degrees Fahrenheit. The lower the temperature, the colder it is.

Is 97.34 Fahrenheit lower than 97.8 Fahrenheit?

Yes, 97.34 Fahrenheit is lower than 97.8 Fahrenheit. The higher the number in Fahrenheit, the warmer the temperature.

Is 36 degrees Fahrenheit colder than 46 degress Fahrenheit?

Yes, 36 degrees Fahrenheit is 10 degrees colder than 46 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is 76 Fahrenheit or 75 Fahrenheit colder?

75 Fahrenheit is colder than 76 Fahrenheit. Each degree change represents a small difference in temperature, so 75 is one degree lower than 76.

Is negative 60 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than negative 70 degrees Fahrenheit?

No, negative 60 degrees Fahrenheit is colder than negative 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The lower the temperature in Fahrenheit, the colder it is.

Is 37 Fahrenheit colder than 39 Fahrenheit?

Yes. It is a lower temperature, by 2 whole degrees Fahrenheit.

When you get higher in the atmosphere does the air get warmer or colder?

colder, the farther up you go, the lower the tempurature

Why is it colder in highlands than lowlands?

It is colder in the highlands than the lowlands because the higher the elevation, the colder it becomes, and the lower the elevation, the hotter.

Is the lower hotter for Celsius?

No, in Celsius temperature scale, lower temperatures are colder and higher temperatures are hotter.