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Q: Is hydroco apap 5-325 the same as hydroco acetam 5-325?
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What is the difference between Hydrocodone-APAP and Vicodin?

Hydrocodone/APAP is the a preparation of Vicodin containing 5mg/500mg of Hydrocodone/APAP.

Is apap and acetaminophen the same?


Is m522 the same as m523?

no, but are from the same maker. M522 is 7.5mg ocycodone / 325mg APAP M523 is 10mg oxycodone / 325 APAP

Is percocet 5325 and percocet 10650 show up the same on a urine drug screen?

Yes, they are both oxycodone and will show up as an opiate.

What 's the different between hydrocodone 5-500mg and hydrocodone5-325mg both have the same effects?

The only difference between hydrocodone 5-500mg and hydrocodone 5-325mg is that the latter preparation contains less acetaminophen (APAP). The first number in each is the dose of hydrocodone, while the second number is the dose of APAP. The primary ingredient in the pills is hydrocodone, while the APAP is added primarily to discourage abuse (though officially, it is stated to be for synergistic pain relief). APAP is the same ingredient as in Tylenol, and it is very toxic to the liver in overdose. The maximum dose of APAP per day is 4000mg. Therefore, the pill with less APAP is better if one is taking many of these pills for pain relief.

Is taking two Vicodin 750 the same as takinking two Vicodin 500?

Not necessarily. Vicodin is a combination of hydocodone and acetaminophen/paracetamol(APAP). Vicodin is available in: 5mg hydrocodone / 500mg APAP 7.5mg hydrocodone / 750mg APAP 10mg hydrocodone / 660mg APAP Therefore, if you take one 10mg pill containing 660mg APAP instead of taking two 5mg pills each containing 500mg APAP for a combined total of 1000mg APAP, you will, in essence, be receiving less of a drug that reduces inflamation and assists in relieving pain. In addition, ingesting too much APAP will cause great stress to your liver, so when managing severe pain you may want to monitor that. Moreover, taking one 5mg pill at one time then another 5mg pill at a later time will NOT heed the same results as taking two 5mg pills at the same time. (half lives, metabolic absorbtion, etc.)

What is the generic brand of Vicodin?

ya there pretty much the same exact thing no they are definitely NOT the same thing - the brand works for me but not the generic

Does clarithromycin contain acetaminophen?

Clarithromycin (Biaxin) does not contain acetaminophen.There is also Biaxin XL its the same just an extended release form.FYI - Acetaminophen is abbreviated as "APAP", any medication followed by /APAP contains acetaminophen. Tylenol is also know by "paracetamol".

Aleve and alcohol at the same time?

it is not a good idea to mix apap and alcohol. it makes you drowsy and works a number on your liver.

Hydrocodone with apap elixir 5-500?

Hydrocodone-APAP elixir is a liquid pain medicine that has two components: the hydrocodone is a narcotic pain reliever and the APAP part is acetaminophen (Tylenol.) The same combination in pill forms are known as Lortab or Vicodin but are most commonly dispensed as generic formulations.

What is the difference between hydrocodone 5-500mg and Norco 10-325mg?

The difference is the amount of APAP, Like the Hydrocodone 5-325 is Norco It has less APAP which is Acetaminophen (Tylenol) . The Hydrocodone 5-500 is Vicodin, and it has the same amount of the Narcotic but more APAP.

What is in propoxyphen-apap 100-650?

Propoxyphene is in a group of drugs called narcotic pain relievers. It is the generic term for Darvocet or Darvon.