

Is iron level of 18.9 ok?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: Is iron level of 18.9 ok?
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Is 47 an ok measure of ferritin levels?

Usually, yes. Most labs list about 10-300 as the normal ferritin level. Inflammation can raise the level even if the iron is low so it is helpful to also check iron and TIBC (total iron binding capacity).

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Yes, it is a very high iron level.

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Is a ferritin level of 189 high?

A ferritin level of 189 ng/mL can be considered high. Normal levels can vary between labs, but typically fall between 20-250 ng/mL for women and 20-500 ng/mL for men. Elevated ferritin levels can be due to conditions like iron overload, inflammation, liver disease, or certain cancers. Consulting with a healthcare provider for further evaluation and interpretation is recommended.

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Ferritin is a protein that stores iron. Low ferritin is a precursor to anemia, so if you do nothing about the low ferritin level your iron level will eventually drop.

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because the iron and oxygen have combined on an atomic level creating the compound iron oxide and you would need to manipulate it on the atomic level to separate it.

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