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Q: Is it a disrespectful thing to walk in stockinged feet?
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Is it bad luck to walk on a grave?

No, but it is disrespectful.

What do you do when your feet hurt?

i always take a break dont walk that sort of thing

Do chimpanzees walk on there feet?

Sometimes they do walk on their feet but sometimes they walk on all fours.

Why do angels cover there feet?

They either do not have feet or they had very long cloth because they didn't need feet fo anything. They don't need to walk. Maybe at the time, it was a bad thing to show your feet.

Do monkeys walk?

Yes, monkeys can walk with two feet but normally they walk with four feet.

What does it mean in Muslim faith to bless your feet and walk around you 3 times?

there is no such thing with Muslim, i think you confused of Hinduism.

Can a crocrodile walk?

they walk by using there feet to walk on land

Is it disrespectful to show the sole of your feet in Turkey?

The foot is considered unclean in Islam. Throwing/waving a shoe or showing the bottom of one's feet is essentially stating "I find you lower than the dirt I walk upon."

Can kolas walk on two feet?

No, kolas can not walk on two feet only adult kolas could. If the grown up mother has a baby then she or he could walk on there feet.

What do you walk with?

Your feet

How does the Canadian lynx walk in snow?

The Canadian Lynx is able to walk in the snow due to it's 'larger-than-normal' feet. Larger feet give you more surface to walk on, spreading your weight more evenly over it, and lessening the sinkage into the snow. Think of snow shoes that people wear on their feet - the giant tennis racket looking things. Same thing with the Lynx.

Why it is difficult to walk on sandy surface?

When you walk on sand two thing happen that makes it hard to walk 1. the ground is uneven making you feet shift and slip 2. sand gets on you foot causing resistance. hope this helps!