1,867,689,025 student hates math
I sure dont know I hate math i think its 88 p.s. I HATE MATH
Because it has to be named maths. It looks like you hate maths
Not all students hate math but students that do it's because of a lack of interest in the subject caused possibly by poor teaching techniques that makes math boring and uninteresting.
sin stands for sine cos stands for cosine and tan stands for tangent
I do not hate my math teacher.
It is to hate anyone
Sin. God hates sin.
"Hate the sin, but love the sinner," is a quote from Mahatma Gandhi, not Jesus Christ.
I do not hate my math teacher.
Yes he knows
Well you can't actually exactly know what the names of people who hate math are. But me personally me I hate math. I despise it. So yeah that's the answer for ya.
That means do not hate some one for doing something bad, hate what they did instead
Albert Einstein love math
Love the sinner and hate the sin means that you should love a person no matter what they do. You do not have to like what they are doing, but you should love the person.
Hating people is considered a sin. And Bavarians are people.
This is a stupid question not everybody hates math