Kitty Corner is diagonal from the object you are describing. Catty Corner is directly opposite to the Kitty Corner position. Therefore, Catty Corner to Kitty Corner, is Kitty Corner again, if you were in a square.
Then take a polygon - say a Heptagon. Kitty Corner to one area and Caddy Corner from that point could be two different positions.
Kitty-corner. In a square, a line drawn between one corner and the corner which is not adjacent to it.
it's actually a bastardization of the word Katty corner. i don't know where the word originated. sorryAnswerThe word "cattycorner" is from the word "cater" from the French word "quatre" meaning four. See link below for more information. I'm sure that when it was used by English speaking people, they thought "cater" sounded like "catter" so they associated it with the word "cat," and that is how we got our modern version of the word. • Not doubting the prior answer here, but why then is the following... ? From Louisiana does come the term "cangkitty_yonk"(not sure of spelling), which bears the identical definition. In Iowa, I grew up with both "kitty", but mainly "katty". Minnesota uses "kitty".
out of the corner of my eye just around the corner cutting corners have a corner on the market down on the corner at the corner tap/bar/store/gas station on the corner at the corner remote corner of the world backed into a corner in a corner of my mind painted himself into a corner
around the corner.
Corner to corner just like a T V.
Variant of the word kitty-corner
Kitty-corner. In a square, a line drawn between one corner and the corner which is not adjacent to it.
Kitty corner, which is used in the U.S. to mean diagonally opposite is a corruption of cater-corner. Cater itself is an obsolete word meaning four. Compare the french quatre.
Catty-Cornered was created in 1966.
Catty Cornered was created in 1953.
J.P Catty has written: 'Copy of Lieutenant J.P. Catty's report on \\' -- subject(s): Description and travel
Being catty means they are being feisty or snappy, and quick to anger. A catty person usually talks back to people.
"Girls Acting Catty" by Leslie Margolis has 240 pages.
The "cat" represents a person or group or something that feels hostile and angry with the dreamer. It might be word play on the woman's name Catherine or Kitty, or someone who is "catty."
She made a catty remark about her coworker's outfit.
Catty Cornered - 1953 was released on: USA: 31 October 1953
500 ml = 1 catty, and 1 liter = 2 catties.