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Yes, but it is not advisable...for lots of reasons.

The 20yo is a adult and 13yo a child so no. Or at least no sex. The 20yo would go to prison for it. I would wonder what a 20yo would want with a child.

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Q: Is it legal for a thirteen year old to date a twenty year old?
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Is it legal for a thirteen year old to date an eighteen year old and at what age would a physical realation ship be legal?

Date? Yes. Have a physical relationship with? No.

Is it ok for a sixteen year old boy and a thirteen year old to date?

It's legal as long as there is no sex involved, but if they are allowed to date is up to the parents.

Is it legal for a thirteen year old to date a sixteen year old in Florida?

That is up to your parents to decide. There are no laws for dating. You are too young for sex. The 13yo have to be 16 for it to be legal.

Is it legal for a nineteen year old and a thirteen year old to date in Indiana Please let me know any useful information that you can provide?

no it is not legal!! you will be considered a child molester!

Is it legal for an eighteen year old girl to date a twenty-two year old boy?

Of course it's legal. She's 18, making her a legal adult, same with the boy.

What year do you have to be thirteen?

You have to be thirteen exactly thirteen years from your birth date for exactly one year. The year (or years, if you pass December) it is when are thirteen depends on the date of your birthday. I was born 11/01/1970 and was thirteen in 1983 and 1984.

Can a thirteen year old date a twenty-nine year old?

Of course not. If she did, it would be clear that she is looking for a father, not a boyfriend.

Can a fourteen year old date a twenty year old?

There is no legal reason they couldn't date. However, sexual contact might be illegal depending on the state or country you are in.

Is it legal for a thirteen year old male to date a twentyone year old female in Florida and can you get a permit to do so?

No, this is completely illegal. This is known as statutory rape.

Is it legal for a sixteen and a twenty-two year old to date in the state of Florida?

No but you could most likely get away with it.

Is it legal for a sixteen year old girl to date a boy who just turned twenty in Colorado?

Dating is legal sex is illegal for underage persons.

Is it legal for a fifteen year old girl to date a twenty-nine year old woman?

No, the girl must be 18 years old.