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It is normal for people to have strengths and weaknesses. A lot of people that seems to be good at math sucks at english and vice versa, though this is not forever. Through practice, learning more vocabulary and trying to start a journal would surely help in your writing skills. You may be born weak at something but that doesn't mean your going to stay like that forever unless you let it.

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Q: Is it normal for people who are good at math to be naturally be bad at writing forever?
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Is it normal for people who are good at math to get low grades in essay writing?

Good students should be able to do well both at math and essay writing. If you are having trouble with essay writing, you should do more reading. Everything that you read has something to teach you about writing.

Why does the world need writing?

So people can understand people and in schools they always write. :-*

What is the average IQ for normal people?

21 Answer: 85 to 115.

What is repeated notation?

When a Vulgar Fraction such as 2/3rds is converted to Decimal form, we get the answer 0.6666666 In other words, the number 6 gets repeated forever. Sometimes a Vulgar Fraction, when changed to Decimal form , gives a result such as 0.283283283283 These are both examples of repeated notation. When describing my second example , we would say ' 0.283 repeated' which means these figures will be repeated forever and you will never come to a stop. The quantity 1/7 = 0.142871428714287 and goes on forever, so we say the result is. 0.14287 repeated. Instead of writing the word repeated , some people place an asterisk just above, and very close to the last figure .

Why is it that some people who are good at math have bad writing skills?

Given these two characteristics, there are four possibilities: Some people are good at math and have bad writing skills. Some people are good at math and have good writing skills. Some people are bad at math and have good writing skills. Some people are bad at math and have bad writing skills. Leaving aside what it means to be "good" or "bad" at these disciplines, it is likely that these groups of people have varying amounts of genetic predisposition for success at these aptitudes and their environments provided varying amounts of support or resistance to help them fulfill their levels of achievement. If you're suggesting a causal relationship, that to be "good" at one necessarily implies being "bad" at another, I don't think such generalizations are useful.

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its normal, happens to many people. its just all in the geans and what ur parents hair is like now.

Is it normal for people who are good at math to get low grades in essay writing?

Good students should be able to do well both at math and essay writing. If you are having trouble with essay writing, you should do more reading. Everything that you read has something to teach you about writing.

Is it normal for a college student to be good at math but a sucker at writing?

Yes. Most people are either math and science oriented or language oriented. Few are naturally good at both. Most people are either left brain dominant or right brain dominant. If you are left brain dominant you are better at math and science, right brain dominant is better with languages.

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