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Q: Is it normal to have dark purpleish lines along the sides of your breasts?
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The issue of slavery's expansion divided the country not along party lines but along what?

Sectional lines

Why does light travel further along power lines?

Light does not travel further along power lines. What phenomenon are you describing?

What is it mean if you have blue lines on your breasts and your nipples are white?

It means you need to go to the doctor and get a checkup?

What do people in Salvador eat on Christmas?

Stuff like Tamales and stuff along the lines of normal, but many family's eat different things they are not one of the richest countries in the world.

How are number lines and time lines similar mathematically?

They are lines along which some continuous variable is measured.

What are the imaginary lines at right angles to a surface called?

normal lines or normals

What is a good essay on Edward Scissorhands?

something along the lines of highlighting how people will see what they want. they want someone intresting, then they wanted a monster or how the ones who were really the monsters were the 'normal' people

What is the best reply for a disappointing email?

It depends on how it was disappointing. If the email was rude or something along those lines, then you can just ignore it and act as if they were not disappointing you in any way by replying with normal messages.

What are lines of latitutde?

Latitude lines are imaginary lines that are parallel to the equator to fix a position on earth (along with longitude lines which are imaginary lines perpendicular to the equator)

What is along lines of excellence?

straight and curly

Where can you get the answer key for along these lines fifth edition?


Do heavy trucks cause road damage along fault lines?

it is known that trucks are relly hevey and it sometimes makes a dameage along fault lines