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It neither is nor isn't. Humans are sexual beings.

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Q: Is it normal to think about sex 24-7?
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Yes it is indeed normal for... Actually 12-16 year olds think about it all the time

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you will not be going to hell for thinking about sex, it is a very human and normal thing for men and women to think about sex

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When you're 14 thinking about sex all the time is normal, just give it a few years before you actually do it.

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About 247 000 in 2008 I think

Is it bad to always want and think about sex?

awwww. LOL... no. Sex is fun and totally normal! It's okay to think about it a lot. Boy or girl, it's completely fine. Especially at younger ages. It fascinates you and that's perfectly normal too. XD Have fun but, don't be silly! Wrap that willy!

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The reciprocal of -247 is -1/247(Because -247 = -247/1

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247% = 247/100

How do you make sex less gross?

If you think that sex is gross, there is probably a deeper issue going on. You can bathe before, or after, but if you think sex is gross, you have some deeper issues! Sex is a natrul instinct, it should be normal, perhaps you dont love the man you do it with, have you considerec your sexuality, perhaps you need to look into that further, good luck!