It's better than having constipation. I have found that VSL-3 probiotic freeze dried sachets have slowed down my gut following an abdominal operation last year.
It is "An" hour, not a hour. The "an" comes before every vowel sound, not every vowel.
There are some alarm clocks on the market that will go off every hour if they are set correctly. There are also alarm apps for smartphones and tablets that can go off every hour or even less.
12 children are born every hour
At every hour exactly, for example 'the train will leave at 1pm or 2pm and so on - on the hour.
It depends on the mechanism.
You are probably constipated. Drink a glass of water every hour for the next 5 hours and it should work
After eating, a kitten will poop after about half an hour.
yes it helps with digestion
You are supposed to poop every six hours
no they are not, unless they have diarrhoea, it is common for them to poop often, but no every few seconds
Every poops!
yes its verry bad if you do white poop you have an rare cancer in your blood systom in the case if you have white poop you should put a padle pop stuck with tooth paist on it and leave it there for two hours if the tooth paist turns yellow you shall go to the nearist hospital strait away but if its black you caut it fast ans shall take some panadoll every hour thanks for your time and do that -- WHITE POOP IS GOOD IT MEANS GOOOD THINGS WILL COME, SO EAT IT!!!! AND BECOME -NONVIRGIN.
YES!!! they eat sleep and poop just like every insect etc...
No, poop is not pretty unless you dress it up!
yes almost every living animal has a digestion system, and they have to get rid of their waste. (poop)
Usually every day.. If your healthy. If not, every other day.
To get rid of waste