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One-half a piece of pie.

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Q: Is it one half piece of pie or one-half piece of pie?
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Why is one third greater than one fourth?

When something is cut into equal pieces, (think of a pie), the pieces are larger the fewer pieces there are. If the pie is cut in half, that is an entire HALF of the pie one has to eat. But if the pie is cut into three equal pieces, there are more pieces, but they are smaller. So, one fourth of the pie would be even smaller because you are getting ONE piece of a pie that is cut into FOUR pieces. The bottom number of the fraction is how many equal sized pieces there are, and the top number is how many you are getting.

How many ounces in one piece of pie?

The answer to this would depend on two additional factors, the size of the piece of pie and what it is made from.

What is a pie diagram?

A pie diagram or pie chart is an illustration to show how information breaks down into categories. There are examples in the related links. Basically each wedge in a circle is drawn in proportion to the amount of the whole it represents. For example if a pie chart was drawn for a collection of coins where half the coins were dimes and 1/4 of the coins were pennies and 1/4 of the coins were nickels, the pie would be cut in half and then one of the halves cut in half again. Each piece would represent one type of coin.

What does sin pie over three equal?

one half

Is three tenths greater than three twelves?

If a pie is divided into 10 pieces and you get one of them, will each piece be bigger than if the pie is divided into 12? Of course each piece will be bigger. Same for 3 pieces of the pie.

Related questions

Which is correct One half piece of pie or one-half piece of pie?

half a piece of pie. pie

Would one half be listed first in fractions from least to greatest?

Probably not, because for example if you had two identical pies, pie A and pie B. Pie A was divided into eight pieces, and Pie B was divided into two pieces. If you were to eat on piece of Pie A, one eighth; that would be less than a piece of pie B, one half.

What is a sentence with the words Will not?

I will not eat that last piece of pie; I will not eat that last piece of pie; I will not eat that last half piece of pie.

Is one fifth between zero and one half or one half and one?

Picture it in your mind. One whole pie. One half is half a pie, right? Is 1/5th of a pie more than 1/2 a pie? Or is it less? The answer is between zero and one half.

Why is one third greater than one fourth?

When something is cut into equal pieces, (think of a pie), the pieces are larger the fewer pieces there are. If the pie is cut in half, that is an entire HALF of the pie one has to eat. But if the pie is cut into three equal pieces, there are more pieces, but they are smaller. So, one fourth of the pie would be even smaller because you are getting ONE piece of a pie that is cut into FOUR pieces. The bottom number of the fraction is how many equal sized pieces there are, and the top number is how many you are getting.

How many ounces in one piece of pie?

The answer to this would depend on two additional factors, the size of the piece of pie and what it is made from.

If a man and a half can eat a Pie and a half in a minute and a half how many pies can one man eat in an hour?

40 (one man can eat one pie in a minute and a half)

What is a pie diagram?

A pie diagram or pie chart is an illustration to show how information breaks down into categories. There are examples in the related links. Basically each wedge in a circle is drawn in proportion to the amount of the whole it represents. For example if a pie chart was drawn for a collection of coins where half the coins were dimes and 1/4 of the coins were pennies and 1/4 of the coins were nickels, the pie would be cut in half and then one of the halves cut in half again. Each piece would represent one type of coin.

How can you differentiate other and another?

Other is general, another is specific. Would you like another piece of pie? That is just one specific other piece of pie. No other pie would be as delicious as this one. Other can refer to any pie, real or hypothetical.

What is One and half apple with 31415926 Puzzle?

answer is Apple Pie.

What is 1 quarter of a pie?

Cut a pie into four equal pieces. Each piece is one quarter of a pie.

Does half and half equal a whole?

Yes, take a pie and cut it in half. Separate them so they are far away from each other. Look at the first half, you know that this is one half. Look at the other, you know that this is another half. Move both pieces together so it looks like it did before you cut it.Just think of it as1= a half2= a whole.1+1=2. Two ones or two halves make a whole.Look at the pie, one half of the pie, and another half of the pie, equals one whole pie. Now, eat the pie ;)Hope this helped you understand.