

Best Answer

Each person's individual reaction to a drug dose is different.

So is each individual's inclination to take drug advice from nameless, faceless

internet sources ... which have never met him, don't know his age, weight, size,

or medical condition, may or may not know what they're talking about, may or may

not care what happens to him, may actually give him a bum steer on purpose just

because it's cool to watch somebody hurt himself, may or may not even be actual

people for gosh sakes ... and then go right ahead and put chemicals into his body

like they tell him to.

That's ALMOST as irrational as the radio commercials that tell you to call up and order

a bottle of this or that and put it into your body, and how completely risk-free the offer is

because if the stuff totally screws up your body for life, YOU'LL GET YOUR MONEY BACK !

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